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Search results

  1. CarlZog

    Trying to remember an early online RPG radio show.

    Before podcasts really got going, there was an online RPG radio show whose name I cannot remember. It featured two guys who did the show from their garage. The audio was often horrible and the sound effects were out of place (The show started with the sound of a massive explosion). The whole...
  2. CarlZog

    System for a gritty Cold War espionage campaign?

    I'm trying to choose a system for a gritty, LeCarre-style Cold War espionage campaign with these features: -- Pretty realistic action and combat. -- Significant political intrigue with complex PC interaction. -- Opportunity for PCs to develop down multiple career paths and allegiances. I'm...
  3. CarlZog

    Climatology and world-building?

    In this week's edition of What If, xkcd looks at what our world would be like if the layout of the continents were 90° off of what they are now. Largely, this is an exercise in applying basic climatology -- albeit with a lot of supposition because of the inherent complexity of it all. Similar...
  4. CarlZog

    Choosing dungeon tiles: pdf or preprinted?

    I've been debating over investing some tiles. I love the breadth of options in all the available pdf tiles, and on the surface the prices seem great. But then I think about the cost of printer ink, mounting boards, mounting spray and time spent making 'em, and I wonder if I'm really just better...
  5. CarlZog

    Afternoon: CarlZog's "Smackdown Beyond the Swingsets (Grimm d20)

    "Smackdown Beyond the Swingsets (Grimm d20) It was recess Tuesday morning when a black portal opened on the playground of the David A. Hargrave Elementary School. Now, five very different kids are trapped together on the other side -- in a twisted world of fairy tales gone wrong. If they can...
  6. CarlZog

    Anybody ever run the Twin Crowns campaign setting?

    I've had a copy of Living Imagination's "Twin Crowns" campaign setting for a long time, and I've used its naval rules and LI's City of Silver, but now I'm thinking of trying to set up a full-fledged campaign in it. The more I dig into it, the more I think I like its religious set-up, renaissance...
  7. CarlZog

    Mystery character backgrounds in a one-shot

    I was catching up on episodes of Dragon's Landing from the fall, and they were discussing a cool Shadowrun campaign in which the PCs were all guinea pigs in a corporate experiment. The characters had been normal folks who were snatched and had a new set of memories as runners implanted. The...
  8. CarlZog

    Is the "official D&D product" really that big a deal?

    In a couple recent threads, I've heard mention about the significance of the "official D&D product" label. Are there really that many people out there who will only buy official stuff? Certainly, no ENWorlders, I'd assume. But do you know or play with people who will only buy WotC stuff? If...
  9. CarlZog

    Providence, Rhode Island Gameday -- Nov 11

    UPDATE (11-8): All attendees should now have directions. I've been attending enough gamedays courtesy of other EN Worlders' hospitality, it's time to return the favor, so.... Come to scenic Rhode Island for a day of gaming and fun on Saturday, Nov. 11. Conveniently located only a few blocks...
  10. CarlZog

    Greenwood on FR npcs

    I've been listening to the podcasts from GenCon today, and just listened to this interview with Ed Greenwood. I'm no FR expert by a LONG stretch, but I know that there have long been complaints about all the high-powered NPCs. It was nice to hear their creator saying essentially, "get 'em out...
  11. CarlZog

    Problem with ENWorld store

    I bought a couple things, hit proceed on the shopping cart, completed the paypal transaction, but the items are still sitting in the shopping cart, with no acknowledgement from the ENW store that the transaction is complete. How do I get my files? I filed a response with Customer Support, but...
  12. CarlZog

    A gripe about sidequests and loot in CRPGs

    I've been having a a great deal of difficulty with several CRPGs lately, mostly because of the built-in requirement to pursue sidequests at the very beginning of the game, and by the absurd scatterings of loot that I'm expected to comb every inch of the scenery looking for. I follow the main...
  13. CarlZog

    Video Cards: GeForce or Radeon?

    Thinking it's time for a new gaming machine. Can someone tell me the pros and cons of the Nvidia GeForce and the ATI Radeon? Carl
  14. CarlZog

    Deep computer games?

    What's are the deepest computer games you ever played? Depth meaning the level of involvement or, possibly, complexity. What games really challenged you to think, and left you feeling like you really achieved something? Carl
  15. CarlZog

    Opinions on EVE-Online?

    Just saw an ad for this MMORPG. I'd heard the name before, but that was it. I love the look of it. Has anybody here played in this? Carl
  16. CarlZog

    Who reads the pulps: Analog, Asimov's, F&SF?

    Does anybody here still read any of the short fiction magazines? Carl
  17. CarlZog

    Opinions on gmail?

    I need to consolidate my email accounts under one. Tell me about your experiences with gmail. Pros? Cons? Reliable? Ads intrusive? Carl
  18. CarlZog

    Help for crashed Windows Explorer in ME.

    I've got a Dell laptop running Windows ME. I've kept it very clean, and it's worked beautifully for a long time, but suddenly a few weeks ago, Windows Explorer (not Internet Explorer) started freezing up. I can't open folders or My Computer or My Documents or anything else. The explorer program...
  19. CarlZog

    What is Final Fantasy all about?

    I've never played any of these games, and I really have no idea what it's all about. Are these games all chapters in some grander story arc? Or are they just tied together by some other common element(s)? What else is this franchise into? I seem to remember an anime movie a while back.... The...
  20. CarlZog

    Looking for line image of a d20

    I need a copyright-free line image of a d20 for a graphic I'm working on -- just outlines of the sides with numbers. I'm not really an artist, so I don't have much idea how to build one from scratch. I found a couple simple programs for creating polyhedrons, but the output didn't give me what...