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  1. P

    D&D 4E [4e] I am unconscious. Am I also bloodied?

    Just a quick question. If a character is knocked unconscious, are they also considered bloodied? I once played a Gamma World game, where my character dealt damage in an aura when bloodied. At one point, I was knocked unconscious, and another PC slid the body next to bad guys :D The GM ruled...
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    CritCon: Toronto's newest gaming convention. Guests include Ed Greenwood and Robin Laws!

    The University of Toronto Tabletop Gaming Club (formerly University of Toronto Role Playing Group) has been working on a gaming convention for March, and are proud to announce CritCon, a gaming convention located in the downtown core, right on the St. George Campus. CritCon 2017 will be held...
  3. P

    How fast does PC damage rise relative to monster hit points?

    When I started my campaign, the battles went pretty quickly, as monster hit points are actually relatively low at 1st-level. (Yes, PCs can't kill them in one round, but I didn't want battles that were so fast you couldn't show off your sense of tactics.) My game is just reaching 11th-level, and...
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    13th Age [13th Age] Stealing the mook rules from 13A

    Yesterday our Greyhawk DM tried something interesting: using 13th Age-style mooks instead of minions. In the 4e game I'm running, I don't use minions much, as two PCs have encounter powers that deal AoE damage without needing any sort of attack roll and another has a daily that can do that for...
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    Boss Fights: Fairly Countering Novas

    The last session I ran had a fairly unsatisfying boss battle. The PCs were 7th-level and looking for a "hunting demon" they knew little about. The PCs were determined to capture it and use it to defend their tower. They passed a skill challenge and therefore got a surprise round on it. It was a...
  6. P

    What is the speed of a laden horse? (Strategic movement in D&D)

    So I was thinking about horse-mounted travel. Horses are faster than humans, so wouldn't you expect that riding horses makes you faster? But I'm not sure. I did a bit of research on the internet, which we all know isn't entirely accurate. A typical fit person walks 3-5 miles per hour. A horse...
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    Monster Mashed

    Last weekend, our DM nearly punished our PCs' collective stupidity with a TPK. He's running a 1e adventure, converted into 4e. During our exploration of a cave system, we almost stumbled upon a lizardfolk camp. We had run into them before, working with gnolls, and itched for revenge. There are...
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    BBC analyzes the 1980s D&D Panic

    Link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-26328105 BBC discusses D&D positively.
  9. P

    Are We Doing Surprise Right

    AgonizedPuddle6 asked this question at another forum: Apparently it's not a popular topic. Here was my response: The example I gave, as I noted, probably has errors (and not just edition errors), but I've also not seen surprised explained with good examples, at least not since 3.x. Could...
  10. P

    Pathfinder 1E Cannot visit D&D and Pathfinder forum

    According to the main page of the forum, the link to the D&D and Pathfinder forum is http://www.enworld.org/forum/d-d-pathfinder/ I cannot follow the link. Manually inputting that into the address bar does not work. If I enter a thread (and I can only enter one, because that's the newest one...
  11. P

    Dominate question

    When a PC is dominated, they are still treated as an ally (for instance, you can heal them, give them saving throws, etc, with any powers that affect allies). They are not treated as enemies for the purpose of things like opportunity attacks. So, one question and one weird comment that came up...
  12. P

    Hit & Run, or "Should You Buy Horses"?

    I've got a weird question. Most monsters get 1 healing surge/tier (so a heroic monster, like a horse, gets 1 surge, while an epic dragon would get 3). Furthermore, monsters don't get Second Wind as an ability, but can still be healed if someone uses a Healing Word or something along those lines...
  13. P

    Paragon Monster: Dimensional Horror

    The dimensional horror was a nasty monster in the Alternity: Star Drive setting and in d20 Modern's Menace Manual. It had the ability to go into the ethereal (a plane that didn't actually exist in those game settings), essentially abducting a PC and taking them along for the ride. Now the PC...
  14. P

    Conan the Barbarian NPC

    I've only read four Conan stories. There's a lot, and I didn't want to wait until I'd read them all. Conan is presented as an elite 20th-level slayer. (I had wanted to make him lower level, but in one story he casually killed a pair of frost giants.) Conan; Level 20 Elite Skirmisher; XP 5,600...
  15. P

    General Discussion Forum

    What happened to the General Discussion Forum at http://www.enworld.org/forum/general-rpg-discussion/ ? The link no longer works (it says the forum no longer exists), and I can't find it's equivalent. I generally use the "Most Visited" tab on Firefox to find ENWorld, but recently there's been...
  16. P

    Help me design a lurker NPC

    In my Dark Sun campaign, the party picked a fight with a tribe of elves. To be fair, it was more like they were betraying each other. They've fought the tribe a few times, taking hard hits twice and easily stomping them twice. His profit-motivated tribe has little reason to seek revenge, as...
  17. P

    NPC mounted combat Q

    I'm confused about one aspect of mounted combat as it applies to NPCs. As far as I can tell, the rider and the mount share move actions. Suppose you have a 1st-level soldier-type mounted on a horse. A horse gives a rider a bonus to damage on charge attacks. The horse also has a trample attack...
  18. P

    Help: Gap between AC and defenses seems too large.

    I ran a session of Dark Sun today, and a specific complaint came up. It started with the barbarian player complaining about his attack bonus vs enemy AC bonuses, but also some other players said monster attack bonuses vs defenses were too high. I countered by pointing out they could only hit...
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    Triggered actions per round; how many?

    I've got a quick question about at-will triggered actions. Suppose a monster has a power that lets it shift 1 square whenever an enemy attack misses (such as a goblin). If three unlucky or low-level melee PCs attack this goblin, and all three attacks miss, does it get to shift 3 times, or just...
  20. P

    Specific solo problem: encounters/recharge powers

    As of the MM3 and DSMC and especially the Monster Vault, a lot of solo monsters are now well-designed. They now reliably have three attacks per round and the epic ones can frequently reverse negative effects in a variety of ways. However, some epic-level monsters have a problem when it comes...