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  1. L

    Dear Wizards of the Coast, sorry we stole your food truck...

    Dear WotC employees, I worked in the building one block over from you guys. Our company decided we needed some more space, so we moved down the street, all the way to Tukwila. The other day, a food truck (selling wood-fired pizza) arrived in the parking lot of our office park. I learned...
  2. L

    Sports - Pitt and Syracuse starting a new re-alignment?

    Being from Syracuse, I'm a big Orange fan, but I've always been a big fan of the Big East as well. As disappointed as I am that we'll (most likely) be leaving, I have to say I'm not surprised; the writing has been on the wall for the BE for a while now. If I had to guess, I'd say what...
  3. L

    Eureka/Warehouse 13/Alphas Discussion (7/11 spoilers)

    I didn't see a Truth Seeker thread on the Monday night Syfy lineup, so I thought I'd get things going. There be spoilers, so if you haven't watched them yet, stop reading now. Eureka I know not everyone is a fan of the reboot, but I definitely am. The emasculation of a lot of the characters...
  4. L

    New Server

    Woot! Is this an upgrade from ENW's current servers, or just migrating to some new equipment? Will this be including vBulletin upgrades as well?
  5. L

    DDI January Content Calendar "Online"

    I get why they are doing this - it's clear they were missing deadlines left and right with the online content. The whole Executioner Assassin debacle is clearly the latest instance of that. That said, at this point in time, my trust in DDI has waned quite a bit. I can't take it in good faith...
  6. L

    Where Should I Post This?

    I need some advice for something I'm cooking up (as a DM) for my next game. I'm running a 4E game, but the concept doesn't necessarily have to be edition (or even system) specific. That said, most of my current ideas are in the framework of 4E. Should this go in General or 4E Discussion?
  7. L

    Beastmaster Rangers (with direct link)

    So the webpage appears to be broken, but if you're logged in to DDI, you can access the article directly here. Two new companions - simian and horse. Amusingly, e Horse Ranger makes a fairly decent cavalry unit. Also a bunch of level two utilities specific to each animal companion.
  8. L

    Catching the Little Things (sp. Firefly) When Re-Watching

    I love when I'm watching something again, and I catch little things that aren't obvious on the first viewing. Perhaps my favorite movie to do this with is High Fidelity, but by far my favorite show is Firefly. I was watching Objects In Space again (for maybe the tenth time). The show...
  9. L

    Thoughts on Nikita & Terriers

    I thought I'd write out some thoughts on these two shows, since I had a chance to see them. I know it's an ecclectic duo of shows. I'm going to come right out and say I think Terriers will be the best new show this fall. I haven't seen most of them, but I highly doubt anything will be as good...
  10. L

    Request for mod feedback on spam

    I've reported a few posts for spam, and as per request* posted in the thread. However, since the spam gets deleted entirely, it leaves an awkward situation with the reporter's post. Is there any way for the mods to either remove those posts as well, or "mod speak" on the post to say they...
  11. L

    Curious Posts Tab Behavior

    I don't know if anyone has mentioned this before. If I got to Settings and view the Posts tab, I can see the threads I've spawned in the Reported Posts forum. Moreover, I can see how many views and replies there have been to those. I'm not sure it's really serious, but is this intended? I'd...
  12. L

    PHR: Dragonborn Mini-Review

    I picked this up today. It was a short read, so I thought I'd post a mini-review. Also, since my FLGS had it wrapped, I'd be happy to answer any general questions about the book. However, given the low price, its eventual inclusion in DDI, and one other point made below, I won't be answering too...
  13. L

    PHR: Dragonborn Mini-Review

    I picked this up today. It was a short read, so I thought I'd post a mini-review. Also, since my FLGS had it wrapped, I'd be happy to answer any general questions about the book. However, given the low price, its eventual inclusion in DDI, and one other point made below, I won't be answering...
  14. L

    4E Stuff in General

    There are several threads in the General forum that I suspect should be in the 4E Rules forum. Most specifically (but not only), the Dungeon/Dragon articles are most certainly 4E material, and their discussion should be, IMO, in the 4E Rules forum, where 4E Rules are to be discussed. General...
  15. L

    Spellstorm Mage "Spell Storm" Question

    We will be hitting Paragon level tonight, and I have a question about the Spellstorm Mage's Spell Storm ability. Specifically, what kind of action is it? The ability says nothing about the time needed to use the power; only that it requires a Wisdom check. I'm assuming that it would fall...
  16. L

    Less People Posting?

    It seems to me there are less people posting on ENWorld these days. Is this really the case?
  17. L

    Removing Race Prerequisites, Case-by-case Basis

    The issue: Thus far, in Martial Power and Arcane Power, there have been a good number of feats with racial prerequisites that don't require racial abilities. The solution: I've gone through MP and AP with an eye towards removing racial prerequisites for feats. This should increase the number...
  18. L

    Forked Thread: House Ep #20: Simple Explanation (MAJOR SPOILERS)

    Forked from: Heroes #22:Turn And Face The Strange/Season 3/2009 I wanted to fork this thread off from the Heroes thread so as not to bog it down with discussion of another show. (SPACE TO FOOL THE MOUSEOVER) First off, I just learned today that it was Penn's decision to leave the show...
  19. L

    Arcane Power Release Date?

    It was my understanding that the release date for Arcane Power was the 21st. However, the editorial calendar has the release date listed as the 14th. Anyone (WotC staffers, store owners, etc) know which is the actual date?
  20. L

    Wizards and Combat Advantage

    A question came up in our game that my DM and I wanted to confirm regarding wizards and combat advantage. The party's fighter, an enemy Wraith, and my wizard were lined up diagonally so as to grant combat advantage to us. I used Thunderwave to hit only the Wraith, hit without CA, and then made...