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Search results

  1. Zoatebix

    OotS #593 is up

    Giant In the Playground Games :(
  2. Zoatebix

    RPG Challenge: The games are in! Check them out!

    Hey all! I just wanted to let you know that there are five free games awaiting readers, players, suggestions, comments, hecklers, etc. over at Summer 2008 Game Challenge. With luck, we'll have some more free games that didn't make the deadline showing up in the "No Designer Left Behind"...
  3. Zoatebix

    Summer 2008 Game Challenge: Participate! Volunteer to Judge!

    Visit us at http://summer2008rpgchallenge.ning.com/ So, influenced by the "start at any time" spirit of 24 Hour RPG, I convinced a few friends to all make their own RPGs in a format similar to Game Chef. Somehow, I got motivated enough to make a dedicated site for it. Its URL appears above...
  4. Zoatebix

    OoTS #563 is up!

    http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0563.html It might not be the most delicious spell, but it will do in a pinch. -George
  5. Zoatebix

    DC Gameday - Thank you!

    What an awesome event! Thank you to all the organizers, kind souls who brought (even baked!) food, and the gamemasters who ran fine games. -George Austin
  6. Zoatebix

    Oots 538 is up

    http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0538.html -George I got scooped by Thuderfoot by a few seconds. Oh well, I guess this can be deleted.
  7. Zoatebix

    The line between politics and history

    So I'm working on two different role-playing game projects that are about civil disobedience and rebellion. I will not use real-world examples in the promotion of these games. However, if my games ever get fans, would a discussion of, say, Mahatma Gandhi's Satyagraha as something to emulate in...
  8. Zoatebix

    D&D Experience: Two Page Spreads on Display

    I hadn't seen this piece of information anywhere, so I figured I'd post it here: In a glass case, along with a Fire Giant and a few other miniatures, Wizards was showing off a pair of two-page spreads. On display was a proof of pages 176 and 177 of the Player's Handbook and pages 36 and 37 of...
  9. Zoatebix

    Elements of Magic, BCCS/True Sorcery, and True20

    I'm really curious to know if anyone out there is familiar with both Green Ronin's Black Company Campaign Setting magic system (which was also published separately as True Sorcery), and EN Publishing's Elements of Magic: Mythic Earth. And so are some people over on the True20 Forums. What do...
  10. Zoatebix

    Online Quizzes Useful for Gamers

    I remember a while ago taking a quiz that ranked how much you fell into Robin D Laws' categories from Robins Laws to Good Gamemastering, but I've long since lost the link. That quiz seemed pretty accurate to me, and I've seen enough people around here with its results in their sigs, so it got...
  11. Zoatebix

    Blood and Space 2: Cosmic Fury

    I think this combination of Blood and Space 2 and Blood and Fists sounds like something I'd really like to check out. However, I've always been a bit confused by the Blood and Space line. What exactly do I need to play? Blood and Fists is a lot simpler - one book and one supplement. Thanks...
  12. Zoatebix

    Game Boy Advance

    I just posted thsi over in gamers seeking gamers Has anyone else found it difficult to find other people to take advantage of the multi-player features of gameboy games? Are there any games out there that allow for multiple gameboy play off a single pak? Should I forget about multi-player on...
  13. Zoatebix

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

    It has recently come to my attention that there are some rather cool multiplayer features of this game, as well as a sinfully easy method to duplicate items. And while I could mess with my friend's younger brother's Gameboy and save file now that he's off at college -- Hey! he did leave it...
  14. Zoatebix

    Software or Gamers Seeking Gamers?

    The Gameboy game Final Fantasy Tactics Advance allows people to link up their gameboys to do some thangs. If one wanted to find local people with which to link, would one post in Gamers Seeking Gamers or in Software?
  15. Zoatebix

    Powers - True20, Advanced Player's Guide, and Psychic's HB - what's changed?

    I'm a big fan of Steven Kenson's powers rules that first appeared in the Psychics Handbook. I was really excited to see them show up in True20 and Blue Rose, and I just recently heard that they were in Green Ronin's Advanced Player's Manual, too. I don't have that last product - I was...
  16. Zoatebix

    d20 or OGL Materials and Objects rules: Hardness, Hit Points, etc.

    I was wondering if anyone had deconstucted "material science" as presented in the core d20 and d20 modern rules. Has anyone compared the hardnesses and hit-points the rules give to "real world" data? Has anyone come up with a "better" or more complete set of hardnesses and hit points...
  17. Zoatebix

    Feng Shui question

    So I have the second printing of Feng Shui from 1996. Has anything drastically changed about the game in subsequent printings/editions?
  18. Zoatebix

    Solving The Riddle of Steel

    The Riddle of Steel intrigues me to no end. I've read a lot, but how does it play? Tell me your tales, give me advice on whether or not to pick it up. Opinions, please! -George
  19. Zoatebix

    Tell me tales of Savage Worlds!

    I'm really, really interested in picking Savage Worlds up - sell me on it or convince me not to, please!
  20. Zoatebix

    DC Comics/Paradox Press Customer Service?

    So I bought a copy of Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics yesterday and today the binding is falling apart. I'm only half kidding when I say that I'm afraid to open Reinventing Comics. George is a sad kitten. Anyone else have any problems with bindings recently? Anyone know if Paradox...