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  1. el-remmen

    New Pop Up Ads?

    Maybe I just never noticed them before or my browser configuration changed, but starting yesterday I started seeing pop up ads hovering over the actual content at the bottom of the screen and in the bottom right. I can "X" them out (which is fine, I don't begrudge ENWorld needing to serve ads)...
  2. el-remmen

    TSR TOEE: What happens when the party ignores the Moathouse?

    So I am running a very loose adaptation of T1-4, starting with the Village of Hommlet, of course, but despite the characters being on the verge of 4th level, they still have not investigated the many clues and rumors always pointing back to the Moathouse. Instead, because I run a sandbox style...
  3. el-remmen

    D&D General A Class's Spell List Should be Listed With the Class Description.

    Anytime I am creating either a stat block for a spellcasting NPC I want to follow the rules the PCs use or building a spellcasting PC for a game i am going to play in, I get annoyed that the table that tells me how much of each spell level I can cast is halfway across the book from the lists of...
  4. el-remmen

    D&D General Which Gods/Pantheons do you use in your D&D setting?

    When I started my 5E campaigns in 2019/20, I decided to not set them in my old homebrew. I had already gone through a lot of work to tweak 3E to fit the world I started at the advent of 2E, and while I had no plans to run 3E ever again, converting to 5E just felt like too much. Rather than a...
  5. el-remmen

    D&D General Which D&D-related You Tube channels do you find worth watching? (+)

    So the discussion of Bob World Builder's recreation of the "Do You Love Me? Yes/No" WotC survey got a little sidetracked with the discussion of which, if any, D&D you tube channels are worth watching. I love You Tube in general and find a lot of fascinating stuff to watch/listen to while I do...
  6. el-remmen

    TSR Tell me about I7 - Baltron's Beacon

    So if you know anything about me and my DMing style, I am a big fan of older modules (mostly 1E AD&D and BECMI stuff) and have used them a lot in every edition. However, one module I somehow missed back in the day and didn't even know existed until a couple of years ago is I7 - Baltron's Beacon...
  7. el-remmen

    D&D 5E Making Divine Sense at-will OR last longer?

    So, I have paladins in both games I am running currently, and Divine Sense is something that gets used a lot - which makes sense to me because it feels like a core aspect of the paladin class and how they can hope to achieve their righteous goals. That said, making it available only Cha Mod +1...
  8. el-remmen

    D&D 5E How I prep monsters in 5E D&D.

    How I prep monsters in 5E D&D (a 7 and a half step process ;) ). 1. I choose the appropriate monster based on the scenario, terrain, my understanding of its relative power throughout my time running D&D of various editions, etc. . . 2. I look up the monster in the 5E Monster Manual or other 5E...
  9. el-remmen

    D&D 5E What should I steal from these 5e adventure books? (+)

    So today I took my daughter to the library and while there I noticed they had D&D books! While I have no plans to run these, I figured it might be fun to see what these Adventure Paths are like and more importantly to steal whatever seemed good or re-workable for my homebrew games. So what...
  10. el-remmen

    D&D 5E Do you ever roll for monster HPs in 5E?

    One of the things I remember doing, basically every time, when prepping monsters in previous editions, was actually rolling their hit dice to determine their hit points. In this way, some examples of a monster were weaker than average (some much weaker) and others were heartier than average...
  11. el-remmen

    D&D 5E How do you award XP and how often?

    If you do milestone leveling this thread is not for you. . . (though if you used to award XP, you can talk about what you used to do). My question is a simple one, in your 5E games, if you use XP awards how often do you award it and do you have certain conditions under which you will give it...
  12. el-remmen

    D&D 5E Tell me about some non-core/3rd party Druid Circles

    So I in the midst of stating up a recurring nemesis of the party for my Revenants of Saltmarsh group. All the party really knows about him is that he is a tiefling druid/ranger who is an apostate of two PCs' religion, who believes fostering violence and political unrest will always lead to a...
  13. el-remmen

    D&D General "I'd like to run (or play in) an all ___________ campaign." (+)

    I've long longed to run or play in a game where all the characters share a heritage or class and have (by coincidence) run and played in games where everyone was human, but that was not a thematic choice. I once tried to convince my players to make an all dwarf party (we needed consensus and...
  14. el-remmen

    D&D 5E Length of Combat & Time Taken per Round (collecting data from my games - updated 3/13 with an hour 30 minute 11 round battle!)

    In the spirit of my "It's Official! Most of my encounters are 'Deadly'" thread, I have started collecting data in my current (and newish) in-person game regarding how long combat takes in real time. This is data I have long wanted to collect but kept running into the logistical snags of...
  15. el-remmen

    D&D General How many pages of info do you have for your homebrew setting? (+)

    I used to work on my homebrew D&D setting A LOT. Aquerra, the setting I developed with the advent of 2E AD&D and that I adapted for play in 3E (though it might be safer to say I adapted 3E to it), started with about 30 pages in the summer of 1989 and by the time me and my group stopped using...
  16. el-remmen

    D&D General How do people play so quickly? (# of sessions per adventure?)

    Today I am going to run the 6th session involving the PCs undertaking the adventure "The Isle of the Abbey" from Ghosts of Saltmarsh. My guess is that it will take 7 or 8 sessions total. The specific adventure is not so important to what I am posting about (since this while on the high end of...
  17. el-remmen

    TSR What TSR-era D&D material do you still put to use in your 5E games?

    I know I could ask this question in the 5E forum, but I am more interested in what the folks who have played (or continue to play) 1E/2E/BECMI have incorporated into the 5E games they run than I am hearing from folks who are 3E or later aficionados (though I have incorporated some 3E stuff into...
  18. el-remmen

    D&D General Trying different layouts with my DIY foam stackers for the intro to my ToEE-themed campaign

    Before the party gets to Hommlet, there is a good chance they will get embroiled in a sidetrek along the way that is meant to show them the growing prevalence of varying cults in this part of the world, which can lead them to an unholy shrine in the wooded hills outside a small village whose...
  19. el-remmen

    D&D 5E A monster stat block should always fit on one side of one page maximum (a poll)

    So I am curious on how others feel about this (I have pretty strong feelings). The question is, Do you think a monster stat block should always fit on one side of one page (maximum), regardless of the monster's level or complexity? Or is it okay for it to be on more than one page? This means...