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Search results

  1. B

    4th Ed low(ish) fantasy

    I was thinking of how to go about giving 4th ed more low-fantasy feel where conflict with other humans is reasonable alternative to fighting ever more powerful monsters and where magic items are not necessary for character progression. What seems to me is that one way to get there is to get rid...
  2. B

    Question about power types

    I was wondering what happens with the melee powers in cases when one's melee weapon deals non-physical damage. For example, if one is wielding a lighting weapon would one get the benefits of the "Rune of the Storm" which kicks in when one hits enemies with "a lightning power". Common sense says...
  3. B

    4th Ed. Book Spine Covers

    Am I the only one who is bothered by the spine covers of the 4ed books. They *almost* follow a reasonable scheme but then they throw it all out for a loop. Starting books are PHB-blue, DMG-red and MM-green. Quite a few following books seem to follow this pattern: Adventurer's Vault (player's...
  4. B

    Masterwork Armour ?

    Can you guys perhaps explain to me what the deal with Masterwork Armour is ? The way it is written up in the PHB/AV it seems fairly optional and some of the benefits it give are worth at least a few item-levels. I have so far not given any to my players and they seem quite fine defence wise on...
  5. B

    Keep on the Shadowfell - mini review ! <Very mild spoilers>

    I will be demo-ing KotS in my local game store this coming weekend (Drexoll Games - Vancouver, BC) and just wanted to put in a few words about what I think about the adventure (having read it) From the plot point of view it is simple but very charming in the nostalgic old-DnD kind of way I am...
  6. B

    D&D 4E 4ed Pace of advancement... do we know anything ?

    I am writing a synopsis for the 4ed campaign I plan to DM and am getting to the point where it would be very useful to know how fast are the PCs expected to gain Levels (in terms of number of encounters). Does anyone know anything about this or care to speculate ?
  7. B

    Points of Light - Help me make sense ?

    I think I understand the idea of the Points of Light concept. It gives a fairly strong structure for PC advancement and provides a meaningful world to adventure in. My problem however is to explain the origin and background of PCs - particularly dnd4 PCs in such a setting. 1st level characters...
  8. B

    What is DnD ?

    With every new edition of DnD there is always a fair degree of soul-searching among the fans as to what exactly DnD is and if/how new version adheres to its basic essence. As a long time DnD player who also plays a number of other games ranging from table top wargames over LARPs to Euro-style...
  9. B

    XP and open content

    A point of interest for me that I hope someone here would be able to elucidate... I recall from somewhere that there are some very stringent restrictions as to what I can do with XP within OGL and d20 but I am not sure what those are. Say, I am writing a d20 based game intended for low...
  10. B

    XP and OGL

    OK, I know that XP rules are sort of of the limit for the OGL stuff but I am wondering where the line on that is drawn. For example if want to give advice as to XP awards in adventure I write is that kosher. Also if I am writing a new d20 game and want to use standard XP table but get rid of...
  11. B

    Too much magic in DnD - Lets fo something about it 2.

    Here we can continue our discussion...
  12. B

    Too much magic in DnD - lets do something about it !

    Reading this boards over last several months I have found out that there exists a substantial minority of DM's who have simmilar attitude to DnD and d20 to mine. This attitude is that it is a great system but that when it comes to fantasy it tends to lend itself to the somewhat peculiar...
  13. B

    Mongoose: OMCS and other TQF questions.

    I just finished reading TQF and am fairly happy (review is in the works). OMCS, while somewhat less detailed then I would desire is actualy quite good. Only thng that I find a bit confusing is the whole everyone can charge anyone else and everyone is in the range of all archers. -First of all...
  14. B

    Silly economics of DnD

    I know that I am probably the ony person in the world who is bothered by the things like this but... Have you noticed that, in DnD world, average labourer needs to work 20 days (and not eat) in order to buy the empty barrel or a crowbar. That the daily wage will buy you a poor meals for the day...
  15. B

    Non-Magical classes.

    I just read the most excellent Bushfighter class by Ken Hood representing the non-magical take on the Ranger. As it happends I realy could use simmilar non magical take on Paladin and even more importantly on Priest. If anyone knows of any such on the net or in print I would like to know. Also...
  16. B

    Chaos Magic - the review.

    I have finaly posted it and it is the longest and most detailed review I have yet done of a d20 product. Contrary to my previous history with mongoose products it is somewhat negative. I would be very glad if Sam or Matthew (or anyone else) would like to adress some of the issues I've raised...
  17. B

    The Longest Night

    To make a point of how good this adventure is, let me first say I do not like steam punk and am not a great fun of dark fantasy either. Naturally then, when I first heard about WitchFire Trilogy, I was almost certain I would give it a pass. Then I heard how good it is and thought, oh well...
  18. B

    The Horror Beneath

    Just to make sure this gets to the worst of the worse list, it needs to be said that this is a single worst product in any genre I have ever seen make its way to the publisher. The plotline is less imaginative then anything anyone can come up with after being explained the point of Role Playing...