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Search results

  1. Malin Genie

    What to do with the old 3.0 books?

    I'm about to move house and going to be seriously short on shelf space. I have a reasonable collection of 3.0E material (Core Books, class books, 3.0 PsiHB, ELH) which I don't think I'm really likely to use much anymore - I play pretty much 3.5E now (without comment as to whether it was an...
  2. Malin Genie

    How to Get Wuxia Flavour?

    I've decided to start a Monk Gestalt Wuxia-style game (based on an idea I encountered here,) where every character has each level Gestalted with Monk. I've come up with some ideas to set a framework, with the aim of creating a game in the 'Chambara' spirit, with fantasy elements more from Asian...
  3. Malin Genie

    DMs, Do You Pander To Player Skills?

    In otherwords, if players have invested ranks in a skill, particularly an 'obscure' skill, do you try to ensure they have an opportunity to use it? For example, would you go out of your way to have an item that initially appeared valueless but gave the character with +10 Appraise a chance to...
  4. Malin Genie

    Wuxia / Monk Gestalt Campaign - Anybody Tried It?

    I've seen mentioned here on these boards a couple of times the idea of a wuxia campaign, where every character has monk levels or is monk-gestalted, to help create a chambara/ Bruce Lee / Jacky Chan / Ang Lee sort of ambience. I'm thinking of running an adventure along those lines for our...
  5. Malin Genie

    New Spell for Evaluation - Help Please?

    Analyse Level: Sor/Wiz X Range: Close Target: One object Deration: One round / level (?) Components: V, S, F This spell provides enhanced understanding of the material construction, form, function and workings of an object. When cast, it provides a bonus to certain skill checks made by the...
  6. Malin Genie

    De-powering Comprehend Languages?

    I find that the first level spell comprehend languages makes Decipher Script and Speak Language skills much less useful than they could be. It also destroys a lot of the potential inherent in objects like ancient treasure maps written in a long-forgotten tongue. So a couple of proposals; I...
  7. Malin Genie

    Quick Item Creation Question

    If a magic item lists a prerequisite spell, is having the corresponding spell-like ability enough to allow creation of the item, or does the character actually have to be able to cast it as a spell? (The specific circumstances are that I have a character who is interested in the Divine Agent...
  8. Malin Genie

    Use Magic Device question

    What happens when a caster with the Use Magic Device skill attempts to use a scroll beyond her caster level, but does actually have some caster levels to start with? For example, Griselda is a 5th level bard with a +12 Use Magic Device Modifier. She attempts to read an arcane scroll of...
  9. Malin Genie

    What is 'interacting with' an illusion?

    As the title asks. More specifically, if an illusion of a wall, or pit, or similar obstacle is produced, does 'looking at it' comprise interaction? Does examining without touching comprise interaction - and if so, how closely does it need to be examined? Example: A character creates an...
  10. Malin Genie

    Sneaking in the wilderness - who's right?

    I've found, particularly in Living Greyhawk, DMs are using Spot / Listen / Hide / Move Silently in a way that makes sneaking and scouting damn near impossible. In particular, characters attempting to scout ahead are usually asked to make Hide and Move Silently rolls, and if they 'fail' are...
  11. Malin Genie

    City Council Book?

    I remember somebody mentioning a book on a City Council with councillors, their relationships, secrets and motivations, plot hooks and so on, in a thread about "Crunch vs Fluff" (although I'm not sure about the actual thread name.) Does anybody here know the name of the product / where to find it?
  12. Malin Genie

    Bardic Archmage?

    If a(n Epic) Bard takes Improved Spell Capacity to gain a 7th level slot, could she thereby become eligible for the Archmage Prestige Class, or would having a 7th level slot through that Feat not be considered the same as being 'able to cast 7th level arcane spells.'
  13. Malin Genie

    What is brittle/crystalline?

    The 3.5E Shout and Greater Shout spell descriptions mention brittle and crystalline material taking damage. What, exactly, is considered brittle or crystalline (have I missed a clarification somewhere in the Core rulebooks)? In the 3.0 FRCS the spell description mentions 'stone, crystal and...
  14. Malin Genie

    Why no Clr/Rog PrC?

    The DMG has the Eldritch Knight Ftr/Wiz PrC, the Arcane Trickster Rog/Wiz and the Mystic Theurge Clr/Wiz PrCs (qualified: by Wiz of course I mean Wiz or Sor, and yes, Eldritch Knights can be based on Pal or Rgr or Bbn, and MTs can be Druids etc.) In each case a few (2-4) Wiz/Sor spellcasting...
  15. Malin Genie

    Horizon Walker Question

    The Horizon Walker can gain the Planar Terrain Mastery - Shifting ability, which grants the spell-like ability to dimension door. In the description it states (DMG190) 'You have the ability to use the ever-shifting nature of planes such as Limbo and the Plane of Shadows to travel faster. You...
  16. Malin Genie

    Anyone used the UA Generic Classes?

    Jus as the question says... I'm interested in feedback, as I'm thinking about starting a campaign using the generic classes. From what I've seen so far, my guess would be that most characters using these classes would be less 'powerful' than the standard PHB classes (in that many of the PHB...
  17. Malin Genie

    Dual Stat Dependency - how bad is it?

    Some spellcasting classes (like the Favoured Soul) suffer from dual stat dependency, with different abilities determining 'spells castable' and save DCs. How much of a disadvantage does this turn out to be in practice? Does anyone have experience running a Favoured Soul (or using another class...
  18. Malin Genie

    Armour Specialisation Feat - where?

    Just a quick question - I saw a reference to an "Armour Specialisation" Feat in a character writeup. From what I could tell, it seemed to give +2 to AC when wearing a particular kind of armour, although I'm not sure what the prerequisites were. In which sourcebook(s) is this Feat located...
  19. Malin Genie

    Blade Barrier 3.0 Question

    This is a question about the 3.0 Blade Barrier spell. It states that creatures in the barrier when created "can negate the damage with a successful Reflex saving throw, provided they can and do physically leave the area of the blades by the shortest possible route" (from the 3.0 SRD) If a...
  20. Malin Genie

    Extend Ice Storm

    Ice Storm is not instantaneous, having a duration of '1 Full Round'. If Extended, would the spell deal the 3d6 +2d6 damage each round for two rounds, or would only the movement and Listen penalties persist for the second round, the damage being a 'once-off'?