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Search results

  1. nikolai

    Solomon Kane Cast List

    This has just been put up at IMDB: http://uk.imdb.com/title/tt0970452/ I think plenty of people though James Purefoy was a good bit of casting by Bassett, but he's also managed to fill out the rest of the film with some really decent actors too. Max von Sydow, Mackenzie Crook, Rachel...
  2. nikolai

    Da Vinci Code on film

    I enjoyed watching this. It's been slated by the critics, I think for three reasons: (1) Because it's the definitive example of Holywood trying to cash in on a big-name property. (2) For being dull (lots of watching people solve puzzles). (3) For having no character development, and being a bit...
  3. nikolai

    The Return of Sword & Sorcery Cinema?

    We were talking about this before the boards crashed, when the thread was lost. Things may be looking quite bright for a S&S cinema revival. The only real S&S films this decade have been 'The Scorpion King' and 'Dungeons & Dragons' (and possibly Bloodrayne too). But things are looking up. From...
  4. nikolai

    Whatever happened to Sword & Sorcery Cinema?

    I've just seen Narnia, with fantastic special effects used in a totally bloodless battle. We've also had a great dragon in Harry Potter, disposed of in a equally bloodless way. Why aren't they making S&S films anymore? I know making a film for kids maximises box office. But is wrong to want to...
  5. nikolai

    A Feast for Crows (very mild spoilers)

    [The spoilers are names of the new PoV characters and very broad generalities about where the book takes place] I've got AFfC and I'm 300 pages in. And I have to say I'm a bit disapointed. For those who don't know GRRM carved the inter-war period into two: AFfC deals with the South, the next...
  6. nikolai

    Best Post-Gladiator Epic?

    There has been a spate of Epic out since Gladiator: Troy, Kingdom of Heaven, King Arthur, Alexander, The Last Samurai, etc. Which do you think work?
  7. nikolai

    Explain Comics to me.

    Hi all; Could someone give me lowdown on how comics work, as a reader. I have vague memories of reading them when I was very young, but essentially have no background knowledge of them now. I wandered into a comic shop a week ago, was stuck by how beautiful some of them were, but was kind of...
  8. nikolai

    Best DVD Commentaries

    I've never really paid much attention to DVD Commentaries. However, I've just watched the Conan the Barbarian DVD with the Milius/Schwarzenegger commentary - which is an absolutely classic. Are there any others which are worth listening to?
  9. nikolai

    Locus "Greatest Fantasy Short Story of All Time" Poll

    Locus magazine is running a poll to find the "Greatest Fantasy Short Story of All Time". 300 titles are listed as suggestions. https://secure.locusmag.com/2005/Issues/02FantasyStoryPoll.html Here's the list:
  10. nikolai

    Balance of +0 LA races with bonuses to spellcasting stats.

    I could do with everyone's opinion of this. What do you think about the balance of PC races with a +0 Level Adjustment, which have bonuses to statistics related to spellcasting (Wis, Int, Cha). There aren't any of these as "official" choices in the PHB, but they have been brought in as options...
  11. nikolai

    Frostburn: what are you doing with it?

    What's everyone doing with Frostburn? I know you can use bits from the book (monsters/magic/feats/etc.), but I'm thinking of running a campaign set in the snowbound North. What are the good campaign themes and arcs that you could use in that sort of arena?
  12. nikolai

    The Lions of Al-Rassan Movie

    Another! fantasy movie is in production, this one is The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy Gavriel Kay. http://www.empireonline.co.uk/site/news/newsstory.asp?news_id=16495 Has anyone read this? I'm currently working my way through Tigana, and I'm finding it slow, full of introspection, and not...
  13. nikolai

    Dungeons & Dragons III?!?

    This is old news, but I haven't seem it discussed here. Possibly because of stunned silence. Dungeons & Dragons III has been greenlit. Yes, I know, I can't think why either? Dungeons & Dragons II is in still post production. And for some reason they're keeping very quite about the details. The...
  14. nikolai

    R. E. Howard and H. P. Lovecraft Copyrights, thoughts?

    This has been bubbling around the net for a while. I want to bring it up here. In the EU; Robert E. Howard (died 1936) enters the public domain next year (2006). H. P. Lovecraft (died 1937) becomes public domain the year after (2007). This means the Conan and Cthulhu stories, at least so far as...
  15. nikolai

    How to run Classic Sword and Sorcery Adventures

    Hi all; I want to run a campaign in the style of the classic Sword & Sorcery short stories (Conan, Elric, Fafhrd & the Gray Mouser, etc.). Any ideas? Which source books should I think about getting my hands on for designing the world and the campaign? And any ideas for rule modifications to...
  16. nikolai

    Terry Pratchett

    There are some thirty(!) Discworld books out now, but Pratchett rarely gets mentioned much on these boards. What do you all think of him? And what do you think of his books? There are some definate changes in style between the earlier and later books in the series. Which are the best?
  17. nikolai

    Has anyone seen the "Sword of Xanten"

    Has anyone seen the "Sword of Xanten" (aka "Ring of the Nibelungs"). It's a made for TV fantasy which is getting a limited cinematic release (in the UK at least), and is reputedly terrible. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387541/
  18. nikolai

    Is "A Song of Ice and Fire" the best epic fantasy since "The Lord of the Rings"?

    A Song of Ice and Fire is very highly regarded on these boards, and elsewhere. I'd like to get a feel for how people think it compares with stuff published since The Lord of the Rings redefined the genre. There's obviously room for debate, if you don't think it is the best epic fantasy since The...
  19. nikolai

    Neil Gaiman: Badly Overated?

    Hi all; The thread title overstates things a little. I keep on hearing great things about Neil Gaiman, as author of prose fiction. He's certainly a very important figure within the fantasy genre. I've bought and read Smoke and Mirrors, his short story collection, and to be honest it seems...
  20. nikolai

    [EnWorld Book Club] The Club Dumas: Discussion.

    Discussion of the ENWorld Book Club's October selection, The Club Dumas by Arturo Perez-Reverte, starts here. Thanks to everyone who's gone to the trouble of reading it. The Randomhouse website gives a list of questions intended to kickstart discussion of the novel, these are copied below...