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D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

Plan to adopt the new core rules?

  • Yep

    Votes: 262 53.1%
  • Nope

    Votes: 231 46.9%

We don't plan on switching the current campaign to 5.1e, but our next campaign will probably use the new rules. It might be a while though, we have other games in the pipeline before it's time for D&D again.

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Can you at least see why one would call it errata?

3.0 to 3.5 changed sone things significantly. Eg skills, DR etc.

Rewritng spells, classes etc is essentially errata.
As I said. I see some. Errata is correcting mistakes.

Spells getting a save to end each turn is errata.
Paladins only able to smite 1/round is errata.

Actually those things that are errata were those that were not getting very high upvotes in general. People seem to like their rules abuses.
So if they just wanted to do this, they would have better skipped the playtest.

They are doing a lot more though. Introducing weapon masteries, changing backgrounds, adding spells. Consolidating rules updates. Rewriting sections of the DMG for more clarity.

Yeah, it is like updating windows 10 to windows 11. Overall the same experience, but too many changes here and there to call it windows 10 anymore.


The Laughing One
Initially the changes were not enough to make me buy another set of core books and there was no official support on the VTT we use (Foundry) anyway, so I didn't see the point in the first place (at least in the first couple of years). But since the end of January Foundry (the VTT we use) got a license deal with WotC, so official support. And they'll be doing the new version and (looks like) not the old version, so I changed my mind and will be going for the new version. But I think I might not do anymore physical D&D books, so digital only for our VTT.

Yeah, it is like updating windows 10 to windows 11. Overall the same experience, but too many changes here and there to call it windows 10 anymore.
It kind of depends on how drastic the changes are whether this should be handled like a new edition (6.0) or an intermediary release (5.5). Something like just removing alignment, making pronounce changes, and maybe some re-balancing, I would say 5.5, but if we have massive core rules changes (like 3.5 vs 5.0), then 6.0. At this point (with the info I've seen) I'm thinking more 5.5, but that opinion might change when the PHB releases.


Voice Over Artist & Author
No. My group abandoned WotC after the OGL debacle last year. We converted our D&D game to Pathfinder 2e and if that works out for us, we'll stick with that for now on. If it proves to be too crunchy, then we'll try something else for our fantasy gaming, perhaps Savage Worlds or Old School Essentials.

It doesn't mean I won't ever play 5E again, but I won't give Wotc/Hasbro any money for the privilege. I don't trust they won't make the next edition some sort of walled-garden where all the cool toys are locked behind a paywall with microtransactions. I'll lock my Foundry version of the rules down before they release the rules and use what I already own, which, between the adventures and supplements I have, and what I can convert myself from older editions, can keep me going for literal decades before I run out of material.


I've been saying for some time I'm not picking up another edition, so it's a nope for me. Besides, I don't have the bookshelf space for another set of books anyways.

Though, I do plan to give them a look over just to see what I'll be missing out on.


5eR won't address what I find as a fundamental flaw - the number of encounters I run per day, especially at high levels, is much lower than the designer expectations that the balance between the classes is calibrated against.
The solution is easy.

Dont count experience. Just count the number of encounters in order to level up. Example, each of the levels 5 thru 8 requires about 15 encounters in order to advance to the next level.

ALL rests = Short Rests.

All rests, regardless of length, yield the benefit of a Short Rest. Except, twice per level, a player can choose to make a rest give the benefit of a Long Rest instead. Narratively, this is a rally, feeling energy and hope and an ability to press on.

This rest variant should solve your difficulty.

Notice, the fifteen encounters can happen within two days − during a bloody dungeon delve − or else the fifteen encounters can span out across two years. The time frame doesnt matter. Whatever amount of time makes sense for the narrative is what matters.

Since there is about 15 encounters per level, this works out to be two Long Rests, with roughly 8 encounters between each rest. The math is the same.


Dusty Dragon
NO... not at first at least. The 2 campaigns I'm in (one running, one playing) will stick with 5e until they are over.

After that, I will re-evaluate.

Surprisingly, considering I don’t particularly care for 2014 5e, I am leaning towards “yes”. There are some adjustments to classes that I feel are improvements, there’s a little more options for martial characters, and they have addressed some balance issues. The biggest decider for me, though, is if they clean up the writing. I am not a fan of a natural language AT ALL. That could be due to the field in which I work, which requires a great deal of precision, but I find the way the 2014 PHB is written to be far more confusing than illuminating.


For me it is, Yes, as soon as possible.

Depending on the players, there might be both the 2014 Players Handbook and the 2024 Players Handbook happening for the same campaign.

Players who want to update their character to the 2024 rules are free to do it.

I expect the 2014 core to eventually phase out.

I view 2024 as improvements that are modest but solid, and occasionally wise and decent. I am happy to upgrade.

I am still holding out hope that there are still some fixes on the way, perhaps surprisingly in the Players Handbook, or at least as variants in the DMs Guide that can satisfyingly fix an issue. Most of my difficulties with 2014 have already resolved. I hope it is still possible to fix the six abilities, to make them more equal to each other, and for every ability to be just as powerful as Dexterity is.

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