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Recent content by Zhure

  1. Zhure

    Need some suggestions of a Avenger/Invoker

    Try a Staff, later on, Staff of Ruin. The damage is comparable to other Avenger-y weapons, and it doubles as an implement for your Invoker stuff. Z
  2. Zhure

    Le Saddle

    Another silly question, phrased as neutrally as possible so I can give this to my gaming group if needed. For which creatures would one use a Saddle of the Nightmare, Adventurer's Vault, page 124? Germane text as follows: "This black, twisted leather bridle lets you take advantage of your...
  3. Zhure

    Blast trouble

    I'll try to phrase this as neutrally as possible, looking for others' opinions. Assume layout thus, fifteen foot wide corridor Key: x - empty square d - dragonborn a - ally e - enemy xad eae xex xxe Could the dragonborn breathe in such a way as to catch only the two enemies along the outside...
  4. Zhure

    Making an avenger

    Nice thing about the Avenger, he doesn't really need to be efficient, his hit-chance is his bread and butter and even a poor hit roll isn't too shabby. If you're set on half-orc I'd pump Str like crazy and rely on basic attacks if you can't squeeze in a high Wis. The melee basic isn't as 'good'...
  5. Zhure

    Avenger Staff

    Thanks everyone for your input, much appreciated. No decisions made as yet, but I'm thinking a Vicious staff might be the way to go. Z
  6. Zhure

    Avenger Staff

    So I'm sort of un-optimizing an Avenger (Retributive). Thematically he wants to wield a staff, and is MC'd as an invoker so can use the properties of most staffs (not as an implement per se, except with his one Invoker power) and has a regular Holy Symbol for his other Avenger Implement powers...
  7. Zhure

    Roleplaying Warlord powers

    My Dwarven Warlord carries a small bag of dirt from his homeland for Inspiring Word. "Rub some dirt in it!" Z
  8. Zhure

    Miss Me Once

    Miss Me Once, the Combat Veteran PP exploit, level 12, is ranged and from my reading would provoke OA. Your input is desired. Options: 1- lame, needs errata to be a close burst 10 instead. 2- you missed something and no OA is provoked 3- it's fine as is. 4- other, please explain. Z
  9. Zhure

    How can a Fighter get Stoneskin?

    1- Take Arcane Initiate at some point at level 14 or before (need Int 13+). 2- Take Adept Power at some point, probably level 16 or higher. 3- Profit. Z
  10. Zhure

    multiclass swordmaster?

    A non-fighter (in this specific example, a Warlord), takes the Student of the Sword feat (page 208) sometime before level 10. Then at 11 he chooses the Swordmaster paragon path (page 88) instead of one of the less-than-stellar Warlord paths. At 11th level, among other things he gains "When you...
  11. Zhure

    Curse query

    "Warlock’s Curse Once per turn as a minor action, you can place a Warlock’s Curse on the enemy nearest to you that you can see...." So, to clarify. If a warlock curses a foe two squares away, he cannot curse any others unless they are two squares away or less? What if all the 'closest' enemies...
  12. Zhure

    D&D 4E Seeking opinion of role of 4e monk

    I was thinking - a dangerous habit - that a controller monk would be ideal, filling in the dearth of controllers. Then I started pondering how one could reskin a wizard to be a monk... Intelligence as a primary stat represents the character's training and knowledge being more important to his...
  13. Zhure

    Help change my Warlord impressions

    I probably should've taken the time to explain in more detail. The proposed character is to round out a small group of PCs, as an NPC, something our small group tends to do. The DM runs an NPC to give clues, help with adventures, not really outshine or outperform the PCs, as they have a...
  14. Zhure

    Help change my Warlord impressions

    Clarify: looking to be combat competetive, more striker-y, higher DPS per se.
  15. Zhure

    Help change my Warlord impressions

    Trying to build a warlord and not coming up with anything viable for our small team of heroes. The builds, level 3, I've been working on tend to come out a lot like a coat-rack. You know, bland, holds the other heroes coats, doesn't really shine. Is there any build advice for making a more...