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Recent content by Warforged DK

  1. Warforged DK

    D&D 5E Highly Lethal/ Critical Combat

    Interesting feature overall. I wonder how this variant would turn out: Crit is max damage on dice plus Ability mod. Crit on natural 20 or if you exceed target AC by 5. Wound points are equal to your Total number of remaining Hit Die plus your Con Mod [1-5 at first level, scales by 1(+) each...
  2. Warforged DK

    D&D 5E First Eberron campaign!

    Seekers of the Ashen Crown is fantastic! It's a lvl 2-5 adventure; focusing on a Dakhaani relic. May not work great for Zil Gnomes, but maybe so if they want to depose a warlard and install a new govt that owes Zilargo some favors (not included in the AP, but strongly hinted at)
  3. Warforged DK

    D&D General Simulacrum and then True Polymorph

    Ahh, I misread your argument. You were talking about Polymorph and I was talking about True Polymorph. Thanks for clarifying! Polymorph does NOT have the "unless language", only True Polymorph.
  4. Warforged DK

    D&D General Simulacrum and then True Polymorph

    Wizard is a class. Archmage is a creature. Seep page 342 MM. Medium humanoid, any race, any alignment. CR 12. it is capable of speaking, using hands AND has spells. If true Polymorphed into an Archmage, you get those spells listed in its stat block, nothing more. True Polymorph doesn't say...
  5. Warforged DK

    D&D General Simulacrum and then True Polymorph

    You're missing the final clause of that sentence which modifies the entire premise. 1- The creature is limited in the actions it can perform by the nature of its new form, and a- it can't speak, b- cast spells, or c- take any other action that requires hands or speech; 2- unless its new form...
  6. Warforged DK

    D&D General Simulacrum and then True Polymorph

    If you, a 19th level Bard, make a simulacrum of yourself, I'd rule it as a copy of your character sheet, with no equipment, half your HP, and the same number of spells slots you have, minus the one used for Simulacrum. It can never learn new spells or create new spell slots while a simulacrum...
  7. Warforged DK

    D&D General It's Time For D&D Lego!

    I haven't tried it in Bricklink yet, but my thought was to create a side view of a dungeon crawl, with some play features. Trap door over a gelatinous cube; 3 adventurers (fighter, rogue and wizard) and 3 enemies, likely 2 goblins or orcs, and a single special enemy, like Mind flayer or...
  8. Warforged DK

    D&D General When Was Your Last D&D Gaming Session?

    I haven't gotten to play D&D in about a year. I did have 2 sessions of Blades in the Dark in January 2022 though. My problem was mainly some papillomas on my vocal cord, rendering me unable to speak for more than a few minutes at a time/ Not so good when you're the DM. 4 surgeries later and...
  9. Warforged DK

    D&D 5E [Radiant Citadel] A chart of parallel Earth cultures and motifs across the D&D Multiverse

    Thanks for putting this together. How would you place the MtG Planeshift worlds? Theros is shifted Greek myth; Amonkhet is shifted Egyptian myth. I'm eternally greatful that Eberron is never mentioned in your list. While it borrows from real world cultures, each one is unique enough to not be...
  10. Warforged DK

    D&D General Custom Mini-Maker?

    A friend of mine makes custom minis in Blender and can print them for a reasonable price. Better than Heroforge since you can get exactly what you want, but may take a little longer since there would need to be some back and forth with the designer...
  11. Warforged DK

    D&D General Non-standard Miniatures

    I've totally reused my kids toys for larger monsters. He had a crap ton of Skylanders figures that worked well for giants of all sorts. We also had this Parallax toy from the Green Lantern movie that I used as an end game big bad boss. The chest claw thing could easily grab a normal "large"...
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  15. Warforged DK

    D&D 5E Class-based Ability Score Increases (revised proposal)

    I like the idea of class based Ability increases, and I've typically ruled them as +2 in your primary attack stat and +1 to any other. I've also done it tied to Saves, but that doesn't work out quite right. My thoughts behind it were that the racial features were what made them who they are...