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Recent content by Unwise

  1. U

    D&D General EverQuest's Norrath via D&D. Any good conversions?

    I ran a full campaign set in Qeynos. It was using Everquest 2 as the basis though. It lends itself really well to rediscovering the world. If the players don't know something, that is fine, as nobody else knows for sure anyway. My main takeaway is not to try and come up with rules for everything...
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    D&D 5E How does Mage Slayer feat reaction attack sequence with the spell effects of the triggering caster?

    5e appears to have avoided the 4e clarification of having "interrupts" and "reactions", so we are left with no rulings of any of this that I can see. Personally I just look at the intent of the power, some reactions would be worthless if they did not work in a certain way. I think that the vast...
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    D&D General Fantasy Equivalent of the Nuke

    That feels like a matter of specifics and terminology though. Everything is still made up of these essential building blocks. The power to destroy one or all of those building block, to split something that had been thought to be indivisible, is a good basis for a nuke. It is not really relevant...
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    D&D General Fantasy Equivalent of the Nuke

    Why not just use a nuke? A spell that can split an atom, destroy a cornerstone of existence and make a huge explosion as a result. It is the cutting edge of arcane science and only a few mecha-mages are even aware of the possibility. These mad scientists are now in very high demand. Cold War...
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    D&D 5E Buying the Farm - Claiming the Ruin - Occupying the Dungeon

    I love it when players do this. It gives such a strong tie in to the campaign world and it shows that the players think of their PCs as fully fleshed out characters with motivations beyond making numbers on a character sheet go higher. I love it when PCs have motivations of their own. Really, it...
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    D&D 5E Plague Doctor Campaign Ideas

    I'd lean towards running it in historical Call of Cthulhu or something similar. Something that lends itself to finding hidden lore and secrets and avoiding combat. "Scientific discovery leads to horrible realisation and otherworldly incursion" is a staple theme of that game. It helps that...
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    D&D 5E Could D&D Die Again?

    I thought of another death scenario I have not seen mentioned, though I might have missed it: TSR3 bribes a judge (Is that the TSR version with the extremely overt racist in it? I don't want to besmirch mere scammers/fools by confusing them with nazis) WOTC lose their legal case and the TSR3...
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    D&D 5E Could D&D Die Again?

    All we really need is for RPGs to go back to being something to feel ashamed of, the brunt of jokes and something you would never bring up in casual conversation. As an 80s kid, I am still shocked when younger people just randomly bring up D&D and ask others if they play. For D&D to fail it...
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    D&D 5E Homebrewed Warlock Patron: The Living Library

    I like it, it is simple and to the point. Choosing an entire school of magic to add to your spell list makes themes like Oracle/Seer possible as a Warlock. I like the way it leans towards knowledge skills, with that book being better than others, but does not force people into that role. It...
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    WotC Star Frontiers - Alpha Dawn hardcover (DriveThruRPG)

    I'm a little confused. What is the name of the sci-fi D&D game that was explicitly racist? (Not in a modern subtle, hasn't aged well way, euphemistic way, but in a WTH?! did I read that right? way) The one NuTSR/TSR3 folks were working on.
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    Dragonlance I need a name for my Dragonlance livestream

    Bad Dragon and the Mighty Lance? That will certainly draw in a particular crowd. OK, maybe I am not the best at naming things. My Star Wars game is about smugglers on the Outer Rim trying to escape the Empire after a job goes wrong. It is called The Outer Rim Job.
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    D&D General Do you use languages in your D&D game?

    The main issue is that anybody smart enough to have the information that PCs need, is probably smart enough to speak common, or at least another language. Learning dwarven, elvish, gnomish etc is rather pointless as all those races can speak common by default. Primordial or Deepspeech come up...
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    RPG Evolution - D&D Tactics: Hikes

    For a few sessions after I go for a hike, the terrain is never flat and caves are always very oddly shaped with wildly undulating floors. It makes for great encounters, but a lot more effort on as the GM. I eventually get lazy and the world becomes 2D again, until I go for another hike. Also...
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    D&D General Henchmen watching your stuff?

    As a GM I don't mess with PCs stuff. If I do, they will take precautions that slow down the game and make me RP a bunch of sidekicks. Also, when they don't need those sidekicks to guard the wagon, they use them for lots of other things that always end up turning the party evil. If my players...
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    D&D 5E Unused content

    On a semi-related note, regarding the Mastermind not really fulfilling the fantasy of the its trope, my gaming group did tinker with an option that captured it very well. We made a version of the Mastermind that had "preparation points", they had X (proficiency?) amount per day and could only...