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Recent content by UnplayedRanger

  1. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    I’m noticing an interesting dichotomy form between people who’ve only read the playtest, and people who’ve played the playtest. Obviously, I can’t see everything that’s being posted, but it seems like the game might play better than it reads. Most post-played reports I’ve seen have been...
  2. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    There’s 5 game designers listed of which Matt Mercer is one.
  3. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    If I was gonna hack on an initiative system, I’d just steal Savage Worlds’, and deal out new cards every round. On a Joker, all players gain hope. And that player gets to go first.
  4. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    Some of these criticisms seem like people want CR to somehow create a game that works for every type of player imaginable. And that’s not realistic or possible. Everything I’ve seen so far, tells me that Daggerheart will supply the “beer and pretzels” gameplay that me and my group enjoy. If...
  5. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    It’s good as a collector’s item, but even the printed version of the PF2e beta became obsolete immediately. If they’re gonna be patching and updating the beta, then a physical copy is just a paper weight.
  6. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    You can tell people you’re testing. Just not anything else.
  7. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    Yeah, it’s definitely not an either or. CR is a big enough company now they could have a Daggerheart campaign and a DND campaign going at the same time if they wanted. There are more nights in the week than just Thursday.
  8. U

    Critical Role's 'Daggerheart' Open Playtest Starts In March

    I’m way more hyped for this game then I probably should be.
  9. U

    Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Xmas Special & s1

    You can make these same arguments about serialized shows. And that’s why it just comes down to personal enjoyment.
  10. U

    Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Xmas Special & s1

    Oh man I love episodic tv. I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I started re-watching Doctor Who, and the new Quantum Leap show with my mom. The we started Strange New Worlds, and I was like, yes, more of this please.
  11. U

    Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Xmas Special & s1

    8 really isn’t gonna be enough. Strange New Worlds has 10, and even that seems too short.
  12. U

    Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

    The Wild West episode was good too. I know it will probably never happen being a British show, but I’d love to see a Revolutionary War episode. Seeing the Doctor pal around with Ben Franklin or someone would be fun.
  13. U

    Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

    Where did I say I don’t like his agenda? Thanks for putting words into my mouth. I said my issues was in how he’s getting that agenda across. Mainly by hitting the viewer over the head with a 2x4.
  14. U

    Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

    Doctor Who can have whatever agenda it wants. I just wish the writing was better. Star Beast was definitely the worst of the specials, imo, and it all comes down to the writing and delivery of that very on the nose agenda at the end. But that was my usual issue with RTD the first time around. I...
  15. U

    Doctor Who Ncuti Gatwa Xmas Special & s1

    While I still think the whole bi-generation thing is kinda dumb, I am looking forward to seeing more of Ncuti’s Doctor. I enjoyed his brief performance so far, and the Christmas special looks fun. Unfortunately it looks like RTD is just up to his old (bad) tricks though. Hope Ncuti’s gets...