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Recent content by tuxgeo

  1. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    . . . and another three days go by. . . . Mea culpa. The delays in my forming an acceptable character are nobody's fault but my own. For that, I wish to extend my sincere apologies to one and all: I'm sorry for having taken up so much space in-thread, and for having taken up as much of the...
  2. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    And three days later I actually get back to this. Apologies for the delay. :o Somehow I ended up spending three days doing outside work in this glorious spring weather. (Out of shape, sweating heavily, and collapsing in a chair from the effort.) Yeah, the S.T.E.M. disciplines train the mind to...
  3. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Responding belatedly to this one point. I had suggested two possible character arcs for future development of an in-process PC, but I neglected to give attribution to my source. QL commented: I do want to acknowledge here that I got the nudge to work in the direction of propounding potential...
  4. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    . . . And . . . it's evening again. "The sun is over the yardarm," . . . , and my mind isn't as sharp as I would like for being specific right now. Overall, I want to be able to have it make sense that he's an accomplished spell-slinger, regardless of whether this involves doing a certain...
  5. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Yes. :) The Druid class is the only one that has access to all eight of the Elemental Evil cantrips. The Wizard class gets seven of them, missing out on Magic Stone. Edit to add: I have done some rereading of Captain Van Djik's story, and learned more about this 2nd Mate Beck: he drove the...
  6. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Pinning down this middle-aged sailor's Bond to the adventure: #2 sounds more like what I was going for: A former crew member aboard the Coral Curse who somehow survived the disease (reasons for survival to develop during story?), and who had previously been involved in a disastrously failed...
  7. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    A post about the timeline -- From the Introduction: Okay, that's the piece of the timeline I was forgetting. La Gloriosa definitely sank after fleeing the raid on Cartagena 15 years ago; and given that any crew member (other than cabin boy?) would have had to be at least 18 years old (?) to...
  8. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Re: Pinning some things down: As late as it is tonight, I want to sleep on that before pinning. There's a lot of clearly-expressed material there. Yes, I was throwing out too many divergent possibilities; albeit with the hope that one or another might spark inspiration for a workable character...
  9. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Decades younger than I am, naturally. How many decades? Two decades younger would still put this guy at half-a-century old. :) And Blackheart didn't keelhaul him? He must have had a good, long relationship with Blackheart to survive that. (Or maybe not.) For now, I'm going to hope not all of...
  10. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Thank you for the reassurance. I'll have to get a firmer handle on what Bond or connection to La Gloriosa would be useful here. I don't believe I've found the right Bond yet, and that prevents me from deciding about the other factors. Extensive travel allows a lot of latitude for meetings! I'll...
  11. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Right. Removing "Recovery" from the list of Bonds. Also removing "Mending" from potential list of cantrips, to let Old Zef cover that business. It looks as though the ship duty of First Mate might be appropriate: not too highly ranked, still learning some of the complexities of operating a...
  12. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    FYI: I have been keeping up with the roleplaying IC: As of Wednesday, 17th May 2017, the thread shows that Nia knows what's what about Van Djik and his ghost story, and about his fate. Blaise now has the hardwood key. The moonlight is weak and day is approaching. Ghede waits without. I need to...
  13. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Robinson Crusoe would probably be the right period as well. But not Titanic! Nor The Unsinkable Molly Brown. . . . I mention those (set two centuries later) because of Brown's story: survived the sinking of more than one ocean-going vessel. A PC with that kind of history might be thought to...
  14. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    So many useful ideas here: Re: his having been a crew member aboard the Coral Curse, but having survived the Yellow Fever epidemic and now having the attacking french captain as an enemy: Hmm. Captain Van Djik survived this long, and apparently others did as well. The Capt. is a dwarf, having...
  15. tuxgeo

    [5e] Spell & Crossbones

    Quick character-building (story?) thoughts of a Sunday morning: (1) New Bond: "Redemption": Was a member of one of the failed expeditions to find La Gloriosa del Mar, and is Notorious or potentially even Disgraced (or not?) because of this prior failure. Desires to convert that failure into an...