• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by turkeygiant

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    Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory Now To Be Produced By... Cubicle 7!

    I wonder if this was Games Workshop forcing the license to switch to a more competent publisher or Cubicle 7 approaching Ulisses NA to say "let us buy you out of this mess you got yourself into" while also solidifying themselves at the only warhammer rpg publisher.
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    Warhammer 40K Wrath & Glory Now To Be Produced By... Cubicle 7!

    I actually really like Wrath and Glory for its take on 40k as a unified system for all types of games. The book as released though was just really rushed and lacking polish. If they were to go back to 2e Dark Heresy style rules that would be cool, but im also going to be just as happy if they...
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    Paizo To Make Kingmaker Bestiary... For D&D 5E!

    I was so ready for Stafinder, it sounded so good and their credo that they would put what was good for Starfinder ahead of backwards compatibility sounded like a great development decision, but in the end it was just too much Pathfinder and not enough of its own beast. I grabbed the pdf and my...
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    Paizo To Make Kingmaker Bestiary... For D&D 5E!

    I think the one place where Pathfinder 2.0 is going to fail as a crunchier upgrade from 5e is in it's bonus progression. At least in my experience that transition to bounded accuracy in 5e was kinda a revelation, its not something I would easily go back on even if the other elements of more...
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    Paizo To Make Kingmaker Bestiary... For D&D 5E!

    Honestly the Pathfinder forums are a terrible place to look if you want to judge how 2.0 is going to be received, the only people commenting on there are the people who hate it, its just a fact of the internet that people rarely invest time to saying they like something. As a former Pathfinder...
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    PF2: Spells!

    I think it is a mistake to think of cantrips as a 0 lvl. spell now when with scaling they are more like a max current level spell that doesn't use up a slot. But I see your point if a say lvl. 1 acid damage spell could negate regenerate, maybe you should have to take a certain amount of...
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    Take A Look At Pathfinder 2's Revamped Magic System!

    I think it is a mistake to think of cantrips as a 0 lvl. spell now when with scaling they are more like a max current level spell that doesn't use up a slot. But I see your point if a say lvl. 1 acid damage spell could negate regenerate, maybe you should have to take a certain amount of...
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    Pathfinder 2E Paizo's Stephen Radney-MacFarland Previews The Rogue Class For Pathfinder 2nd Edition!

    I'm really liking all of the new actions and reactions they have previewed in general. They all feel much more interesting and actively useful compared to a lot of the 1e feats which were often all about crunchy system efficiencies. These 2e feats and features feel like new tricks your character...
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    Here's a TON of Pathfinder 2 Info from the Know Direction Podcast

    I would like if they came up with something clever for identifying magic items rather than just rolling for a DC or sitting next to it for an hour and knowing exactly what it does. Like maybe you only learn or gain the effects after completing some pre-requirement, an orc bane sword could start...
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    Monte Cook Games Announced Numenera 2: Discovery & Destiny!

    I hope this succeeds in making Numenera feel like its own thing. My biggest problem with ALL the cypher system games so far is that none of them feel like they make any mechanical changes to be their own thing. They are vastly different settings and content layered on a nearly uniform system...
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    (KS) Hellscapes – Post Apocalyptic Survival for 5th Edition D&D

    Is this going to be a stand alone book or will you need to apply it's contents to the existing core 5e books?
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    A D100 Revolution With Revolution D100

    How thorough is this on sci-fi/cyberpunk content?
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    If they can keep to this schedule they could see a lot of success, Fantasy AGE was kinda ruined for me and my group of players by the giant gap in time where nothing came out after the core book.
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    Starfinder Starfinder's Spaceships Are Pretty!

    The Vesk ships kinda look like the Gamila ships from Space Battleship Yamato which is awesome. But that begs the question can we get a Wave Motion Gun on our ship to fight them?
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    Starfinder Here's A Peek At The Starfinder Iconics

    Drone, I think its the Engineer class who gets them, I assume they will be mechanically kinda like a Summoner's Eidolon. I wan't to know what race the human looking woman with antennae is, it would be cool if there were some rules for a half-alien races like a half-elves in Pathfinder.