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Recent content by tiornys

  1. tiornys

    D&D 5E Truly Understanding the Martials & Casters discussion (+)

    We need to separate "magic = anything that doesn't fit our out of game reality" from "magic = an in-game type label that various effects can interact with". Fighters at high level should have some amount of the first type of magic, but need not have any of the second type.
  2. tiornys

    D&D 5E Is there a general theory of party construction?

    I mean, yes, it will be used when the damage from your ally is going to be better than your own damage. That's the point. Where I disagree is that this must make the ability unbalanced. (also, if we're mimicing the original's melee restrictions, your Rogue needs to be using a rapier, not a...
  3. tiornys

    D&D 5E Is there a general theory of party construction?

    It's not really comparable to Battle Master or Haste. Both of those effects add action economy. The proposed 5e update of 4e Commander's Strike (like the other at-wills that granted attacks) trades action economy (at a slight loss, since it also eats a reaction). Even if I'm giving my action...
  4. tiornys

    D&D 5E Truly Understanding the Martials & Casters discussion (+)

    Agreed. Initially I was going to object that many of the issues holding martials back are structural, but that just means that the added subsystems need to break those structures. For example, as Mort noted the current Fighter can't really exert much control on the battlefield--even if they've...
  5. tiornys

    D&D 5E Is there a general theory of party construction?

    I'm not sure I agree that Commander's Strike can't work in 5e, but I certainly don't agree that this comparison is valid. In fact, 4e Commander's Strike does interact favorably with most striker damage enhancement; Rogue Sneak Attack and Warlock Curse are once per turn and work. Barbarian...
  6. tiornys

    D&D 5E Is there a general theory of party construction?

    I sort of agree with this, but probably not in the way you meant it. In 5E I think every character should be capable of functioning in melee, but no character should have "get into melee" as their primary combat plan. Having a "frontliner" in the classic sense doesn't make sense in 5E; the...
  7. tiornys

    D&D 4E Archmage's Ascension - The 4E Wizard's Handbook (RuinsFate)

    Decided to hunt down my old post about the expected damage increase from Evocation Apprentice. Here's the essential information: This is an analysis of the increase to expected damage granted by the Evocation Apprentice ability to reroll a single damage die that comes up as a 1. Die size is...
  8. tiornys

    D&D 4E 4e Tiefling Battlemind

    I'm not convinced you're getting all that much extra damage out of the combo. Unless I'm missing something, you need three hits within a turn cycle (from the start of your turn to the end of your next turn) in order for Headsman's Chop to do anything for you (barring extra help from your...
  9. tiornys

    D&D 4E 4e Tiefling Battlemind

    I don't think I'd criticize the net on that basis. The main things you need to solve as a Battlemind are 1) what to do about enemies who can shift multiple squares/how to handle difficult terrain, and 2) what to do about enemies simply moving away from you without shifting. For #1, any build...
  10. tiornys

    D&D 4E 4e Tiefling Battlemind

    Yes, it can get tricky to keep track of which riders apply where. In addition to the "on hit" riders already discussed, there's the distinction between modifiers that get added to damage rolls (which is most modifiers) and increases to damage that doesn't care about rolling damage (this is...
  11. tiornys

    D&D 4E 4e Tiefling Battlemind

    If I remember correctly--and it's been a while, so I might not--hitting a target requires that you make a successful attack roll against that target. Therefore, no, you would not slow every enemy in a close blast 3. Only the one enemy you target would get slowed. I was never all that...
  12. tiornys

    The Enemy Within: Shadows Over Bögenhafen

    Lorena quickly slips down the stairs and motions the others back into the cellar. She slips a small obstruction into the cellar's secret door so it doesn't close all the way, and then closes it too. Turning to the others, she whispers hurriedly. *I was able to retrieve a couple of items...
  13. tiornys

    Against the Giants: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief

    Aelar dropped him; would you like to repost or should I just use your current rolls on the Rockthrower?
  14. tiornys

    Against the Giants: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief - OOC

    Just multiply any time estimate I give you by 3, and I might actually make that deadline :hmm: t~
  15. tiornys

    Against the Giants: Steading of the Hill Giant Chief - OOC

    Sorry about the semi-extended absence. I should have a chance to see where we are within the next 12 hours. t~