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Recent content by theworstdm

  1. theworstdm

    RPG Print News – Runehammer, Cubicle 7, Legendary Games, and More

    Absolutely! I was drawn right to those covers.
  2. theworstdm

    Nominate your MOST ANTICIPATED RPG of 2024

    Yeah, I guess I wasn't very clear on what I meant there. This Model T does sound pretty cool though. Do you have a link?
  3. theworstdm

    Nominate your MOST ANTICIPATED RPG of 2024

    These interactions are MY most anticipated game of the year
  4. theworstdm

    Worlds of Design: Single RPG Conventions

    I only just heard about GrogCon a few weeks ago. I didn't even realize that there had been a con so close to me these last few years. I'm definitely going to make a plan to be there in 2024
  5. theworstdm

    Renegade Studios Sends C&D To Stop Small Creator Using The Word 'Renegade'

    That really doesn't come across as your intent in the C&D
  6. theworstdm

    Renegade Studios Sends C&D To Stop Small Creator Using The Word 'Renegade'

    Rockstar Games might have a stronger case than Renegade Game Studios
  7. 1687113235562.png


  8. theworstdm

    2000AD Rounding Up the Suspects

    Does the header image mean that Zombo is coming?
  9. theworstdm

    Lessons Learned from Virtual Gaming

    That's funny. Some of the worst examples of people not muting have been when I used to participate in conference calls.
  10. theworstdm

    Lessons Learned from Virtual Gaming

    Muting yourself when you’re not talking is a big thing for me when I run games online. Especially if you have a lot of background noise. It’s just good etiquette
  11. theworstdm

    Where's the American Fantasy RPG?

    The Strange is the best example that I can think of for a game that gives players that contrast between a fantasy world and a reality world like The Wizard of Oz does. There's also games like Colonial Gothic that ramp up the idea that there used to be much more supernatural elements to America...
  12. theworstdm

    GMing At A Convention

    I ran four games at Gen Con last year mainly because I wanted to challenge my fears of running for strangers. It was fun, but I definitely agree with the loudness part. They cram so many tables into each of the rooms and each group is competing to be heard over the others.
  13. theworstdm

    The Washington Post Weighs In On D&D!

    Unfortunately, they included one of my least favorite tropes from mainstream articles about RPGs; you can find some variation of the "No longer is it a game to hide out with in Mom’s basement." line in almost every one of these articles.
  14. theworstdm

    The Fortnite-ification of Everything

    I agree that TSR probably hurt themselves by saturating a niche market with books, but too many settings definitely didn't help. Not everyone (including me) had the money to buy every single book produced for D&D so they had to make choices about which ones to buy. Setting was a determining...
  15. theworstdm

    The Fortnite-ification of Everything

    Or mine! Everyone I know has a favorite setting for D&D, whether an existing one like FR or a past one like Planescape, and clamor for new stuff in that setting.