• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by TheSwartz

  1. TheSwartz

    LFP DCC RPG Road Crew online with Fantasy Grounds

    Next online #DCC Road Crew game using Fantasy Grounds is tomorrow night. Likely running #86 Hole in the Sky, a zero level funnel. And then Saturday night, 4/20. Thinking of something appropriate for the date. More info at https://www.indygaming.com/roadcrew/ The Lady in Blue beckons you...
  2. TheSwartz

    Boundless: An Excerpt From The Upcoming Drizzt Novel

    The last novel was about worst thing I've ever read. I don't think I'll waste any more time reading this series (and I'd read the entirety up to this point). Simply so many other things to read that's actually worth my time.
  3. TheSwartz

    Here's What's In That $500 Beadle & Grimm Platinum Edition of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

    Looks like a box of completely boring junk to me.
  4. TheSwartz

    Congratulations To The 2018 ENnies Nominees!

    My guess is that WoTC didn't submit anything, since they have been snubbing GenCon for a few years now.
  5. TheSwartz

    In Search Of Quasqueton With Mike Carr

    Many an adventure, back in the day, started at a Ground Round...
  6. TheSwartz

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    And, this is why I almost never check ENworld anymore...
  7. TheSwartz

    Kobold Press' Warlock Gaming Zine

    I support a LOT of Kickstarters, Patreons, etc. And, the Kobold's Warlock Patreon is the best $5/mo I spend.
  8. TheSwartz

    Dragon+ New "Crossover Edition"

    How? Where? Are you just talking about this, that has been available since the beginning? https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/dragon-magazine/id981727811?mt=8
  9. TheSwartz

    Rules Cyclopedia Of Basic D&D Now In Print

    This is a good thing. However, I have to say that a print on demand version based on a scanned copy of the original book is hardly "a perfect collectors' item". But nevertheless, I totally support these moves; I'm spending more and more time using early D&D material over anything published recently.
  10. TheSwartz

    Rules Cyclopedia of Basic D&D now in POD

    This is a good thing. However, I have to say that a print on demand version based on a scanned copy of the original book is hardly "a perfect collectors' item". But nevertheless, I totally support these moves; I'm spending more and more time using early D&D material over anything published recently.
  11. TheSwartz

    It's a Drizzt! "Timeless" - New Drizzt Do'Urden Trilogy by R.A. Salvatore

    I used to read all of these D&D books, especially ALL of the Drizzt material. It's ironic that it was WoTC deciding to stop publishing books that I've finally taken the advice of others and have been reading Appendix N material. Now I finally realize why the grognards complained about these...
  12. TheSwartz

    Coming in May: Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes! [UPDATED!]

    As I explore the alternatives more, the more I get exceedingly bored with what WoTC is releasing. I'll buy it. And read it. But I'm starting to feel like it's a waste of my time and money and starting to regret giving them the sales.
  13. TheSwartz

    Goodman Games Latest News on Into The Borderlands

    I'd love to see this.
  14. TheSwartz

    Morrus' New Years' RPG Resolutions

  15. TheSwartz

    Seek Triumph And Technology With Mutant Crawl Classics

    If it's anything at all like DCC (which it sounds like it is), then I can't wait to get my hands on it. Sounds to me like some of the criticisms, others may consider positives. Everything I've read (or seen in the case of artwork) from GG so far has been simply awesome.