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Recent content by Tashtego

  1. T

    WOIN Just wondering about the status of NEW, NOW, and OLD.

    There's a general WOIN character on Roll20. I poked around with it briefly, and it appears to work, but I haven't used it for an actual game (yet).
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    WOIN Alternatives to Lifepath?

    @Belisarion I'm still thinking through it at at the moment, but will let you know via these forums when I have something ready for feedback. I'm planning to do two rules modules to start with - one that replaces the gear shopping lists with a simple resource/point buy system, and the other would...
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    WOIN Updating WOIN to v1.3!

    Is there errata from 1.0 to 1.3 somewhere? My books are part of the first print run.
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    WOIN (O.L.D.) Monster generation and creature types confusion

    This section of the online rules goes through the process: WOIN Rules Reference Document - Creating Monsters
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    WOIN WOIN Modern Excel-Based Character Sheet

    This is an amazing resource. Thanks for posting it.
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    WOIN Alternatives to Lifepath?

    I'm fond of WOIN and ran a successful NEW campaign a while ago. Today my group prefers lighter fare. However, it's got a solid, modular design by purpose and can handle a lot of hacks. To respond to OP, I would do the following: Curate your own list of skills—perhaps get about twenty or so...
  7. T

    I saw this cool SF RPG on Kickstarter and now can't find it....

    Hmm, it's not Salvage Union.... I think it's Across a Thousand Dead Worlds! Yes it is! Thanks for Retreater and Grendel—I'll check it out to see if it's as cool as my first impression! (The system looked okay to me to start with, but that's first impressions for you!)
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    I saw this cool SF RPG on Kickstarter and now can't find it....

    I saw a cool RPG on one of Egg's kickstarter round-ups a while ago, but now I can't find it or remember the name. Here's what I remember: It was a science-fiction RPG. It used a 1d20+add stuff core resolution mechanic, but wasn't d20 system (D&D-derived) It was a dark, post-collapse setting...
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    D&D 5E Character Build - World's Greatest Detective

    Any suggestions on how to do a detective build in 5E? Rogue optimised for Perception? Bard with Sage background? I'm just after some thoughts before I tinker around with my next build.
  10. T

    Congratulations to the 2015 ENnies Nominees!

    Check out King of Dragon Pass for tablets
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    The Center of Time

    Seregal stands in front of the city. "At last," he cries, surveying the front door. "Now, how do we get in?" He frowns; this place doesn't quite resemble the original story he heard. "Echo? Is the map showing anything useful?" he asks.
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    Brainstorming DEFENSE

    Or you could make DEFENCE equal to the attack dice pool (or some relation thereof) and just roll it each round.
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    N.E.W. Playtest Feedback - Prison Planet - System Notes - Sessions 2 and 3

    Morrus - My players (who are so enclined) have enjoyed building and tweaking characters within the career system. However, if you optimise, it's easy to build a high stat character or a character with an effective stat/skill combo like the one I mentioned above. I think the main issue is that...
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    N.E.W. Playtest Feedback - Prison Planet - System Notes - Sessions 2 and 3

    I have a player who specialises in optimising and breaking systems! His current character is: 6d6 to stealth - 2 AGI (Starting), Felan (+2 AGI), Scavenger (+1 AGI), Street Thug (+1 AGI), Burglar (+2 AGI), Infiltrator (+1 AGI), Burglar (+2 AGI). So that's 11 AGI to start with, or 4d6, and...
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    The Center of Time

    Seregal sees Echo and Antor move on, refusing the offer his rope. "Perhaps it didn't look very safe," Seregal muses, scratching at his beard. "Well, I'll just go forward along here and see if I can bring that bridge up." Seregal starts to move forward on the bridge, balancing carefully, to...