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Recent content by Talltomwright

  1. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E Chains of Asmodeus: Official 286-Page Nine Hells Book & Adventure Released!

    He's also appeared on gaming podcast Good Friends of Jackson Elias Special: Adrian Tchaikovsky on Non-Human Intelligences and Call of Cthulhu actual play How We Roll 001 - Flotsam & Jestam - Inheritance - The Gilman House - HowWeRoll Podcast
  2. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E Dramatic Rules for Dying

    I love grievously wounded! May be the fix I’ve been looking for. In addition to the failed death save to take an action does the character also have to roll a death save each turn? Or are they stable if they lie still? What does Dying Condition add? Hamlet style farewell speeches? Not against...
  3. Talltomwright

    What Licensed RPG Do You Wish Existed But Doesn't?

    I don't know what PCs would do in Lyra's world in His Dark Materials (since everything that happens there is so tied to Lyra's narrative) but a game where everyone had a Daemon played by another player at the table could be really fun and I would like to go see the armoured bears and fly with...
  4. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E Inspiration! How's It Working Out For You?

    There was a life or death Persuasion roll in my game last night (literally, it was certain TPK on a fail). I don’t like Inspiration as DM carrot as it feels arbitrary and can lead to players RPing for me rather than RPing for their own enjoyment, so I give one point at each level up (and you...
  5. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    Just to say a quick big thank you for all the suggestions and feedback! There's a lot of very different ways of approaching this, evidently, so I'm going to gently play test some of them in upcoming sessions and I'll feedback how they go!
  6. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    True. I'll go away and ponder it. Feels like I'm more likely to break the game by offering the players too powerful a new option, but at the same time there's no point in having a rule if it's not appealing enough to ever be used.
  7. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    Correction: If they can go unconscious at any time then they could pass their save, stay up, not be prone and incapacitated and so harder to hit, and then go unconscious just before their turn to avoid the auto-fail death save and exhaustion. I've ammended it to 'can voluntarily go unconscious...
  8. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    So, to summarise so far: I've got to make sure not to inadvertently nerf other abilities land spells like Relentless Endurance, Death Ward, Rage Beyond Death, Strength Before Death etc. so I still need to penalise the choice to stay conscious. On the other hand, some people think exhaustion is...
  9. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    Thanks for raising these. I think Relentless Endurance still stays a strong feature - no roll needed, no exhaustion, no risk of death saves, so I don't think this rule nerfs it too much. I might make Death Ward a third level spell in my campaign but it still seems useful. Protecting these two...
  10. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    That's a really good point about three hits before their next turn and they are dead anyway. Thanks for your alternative system! Will have careful read.
  11. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    Great, thank you. It's situational. I have absolutely had NPCs attack fallen PCs on death saves once they've seen the party has a healer but most of the time the NPC will move on; staying up definitely makes them more of a target. So we've got one vote for disadvantage on death saves but not...
  12. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    Thank you, yes that definitely makes sense. It's why I don't use exhaustion at 0 hp as default and I'm only offering it here as the result of a player's choice. What might make a good penalty that players could chose to take if not exhaustion? I don't think disadvantage on death saves is enough...
  13. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    I think I'm alright with the trade off of a level of exhaustion in order to drink a potion, although you're right that it's not what the house rule is intended for. Will ponder the straight swap - a turn for guaranteed death. It's definitely way simpler. I like the element of high-stakes...
  14. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    That's a really good point. I was mainly put that in to keep it in line with normal Concentration and because making two concentration checks on damage seemed too faffy (one for staying conscious, one for maintaining a spell). That second part is easily dealt with as you'd just make it one roll...
  15. Talltomwright

    D&D 5E House Rule: Using Concentration to remain Conscious at 0hp. Feedback wanted!

    I’d really appreciate some feedback on a house rule. There have been several posts over the years trying to do the same thing, but here’s my variation. Dying over several rounds in a pool of your own blood isn’t the kind of ending I would like for my PCs, and it doesn't match the fiction I...