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Recent content by SuddenDawn

  1. S

    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    The kobold did not have a spell component pouch. The rest of the night passes without incident. Both Elise and Gilthanus are able to rest sufficiently to recover their spells. (Go ahead and post the spells that the characters have prepared.) As the morning breaks, the kobold's strained...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    OOC: Sorry about the delay, I was ambushed at work. In the future I will try to post a warning when I have time constraints. I was quite impressed by the posts dealing with the kobold. Elise manages to stop the kobold from bleeding to death. Ces starts to tie the creature up, but handles him so...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Standing firm amidst the ashes, with his tuning still smoldering slightly, Krit notches a second arrow, pulls the string to its full length, sights and releases "Fly Swift" he mutters once again as the bow twangs a second time. The arrow strikes the kobold. It still struggling against the...
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    City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

    Aaron Wright The world does not care for you to understand. yet this may be mutually beneficial. Aaron adds his name to the list. OOC: B4cchus, if there are sufficient players did you intend to break them into more than one group?
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    City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

    Aaron Wright "Well Ximix, a new wind blows. I am going to see what this is about." with that Aaron Excuses himself, pausing a moment to allow the elf the opportunity to accompany if he so desires. Aaron greets Hans and says, "Allow me the opportunity to examine you post." Aaron reads it...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Round 3 Krit curses as he tries to shrug off the flames that had engulfed his body, Growling he fires an arrow at the Kobold "Fly swift" mutters Krit to his arrow as it leaves his bow with a twang. It hits*. Causing the the Kobold to scream. Not yet, so close Recognizing now the danger her...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Elise is surprised by the suden appearance of the Kobold, but it pays her no mind. The unarmed figure runs past towards the other party members. The shadows deepen as the kobold draws near and Dancing Lights wink out plunging the area into deeper darkness. The kobold closes within 10 feet of...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Elise knows that a spell was cast on her. Elise suddenly notices a small figure running towards her from the direction opposite the camp, the light from her dancing lights glistening a listen on its scales. The other characters near the camp fire notice the figure as it closes on Elise. As it...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    That is a really good question. I am not sure that it is address in the rules whether a character is aware of a spell when a saves has to be thrown. I've always gone by the rule of thumb that unless the spell description says other wise, on a failed saved the character is not otherwise aware of...
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    City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

    Aaron Wright, Druid Aaron responds in Elven, "I have known and learned from enough elves that I would not make the mistake of lumping them together. If anything, there may exist an even greater variety in the temprements and cultures of elves than of humans. I too spoke of your stated...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Gilanthus whispers, Look and cast Light on a pebble and prepares to throw it. Not seeing any immediate threats, Ces trades his sword for a Bow. The round is not over yet, wiat to post your Round 3 action until the results of this round are known. Gilthanus would need a standard action to...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Round Two "Let's move back towards the others" Krit whispers to Elise "Strength in numbers" He notches an arrow onto the string of his bow and backs slowly towards the camp, squinting through the darkness to try and catch a glimpse of the intruders. Can't ,holding, spell. Elise grunts, a...
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    City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

    "Ximix, I am glad that you haven chosen to eat with me." Hearing this outburst from the druken man, Aaron smiles and continues, "What a perfect preface. I admit that I find the atmosphere of the Inn invigorating. But what is one of your kind doing here? It must very different from your...
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    Lost Mithril (B4cchus judging)

    Gilthanus snaps out of his trance, he sees the Krit has moved next to Elise to investigate the noise. Cautiously he takes several steps back. Cesurius as stands up and draws his weapons. Every member of the group having their rest interupted, now stands prepared for whatever threat presents...
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    City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn X

    Aaron Wright "That is agreeable"