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Recent content by Solauren

  1. S

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    Here is my thought on things (as the WOTC/D&D situtation, and I stand) First, it was a bad business decision that was back-tracked before it was implemented. That, is a good thing. It's easier to backtrack a decision before it goes into effect. Second, the community got what it wanted. That...
  2. S

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    That probably has something to do with it. All they need is one judge to rule against them, and the floodgates would open. They can't risk losing control of the brand like that.
  3. S

    PC Gamer: OGL not worth fighting for.

    To PC Gamer: HAH, we won. Looks like 'Windows just went Open Source'
  4. S

    WotC Backs Down: Original OGL To Be Left Untouched; Whole 5E Rules Released as Creative Commons

    Some recovery by WOTC and Hasbro on this. Can they try to pull something in the future? Not really. Yes, they still have protection over alot of D&D related material (i.e the Forgotten realms, the characters within, etc), but that was always the case. If someone violates that...
  5. S

    Crow Eating thread

    I'm still doing my planned downloading spree. Now it's cause I want to, instead of I'm afraid not to.
  6. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    Added Come on people, start tossing out websites to backup! I'm hoping to start downloading in the near future and posting the zips online somewhere.
  7. S

    PC Gamer: OGL not worth fighting for.

    I found pre 3e very easy to port to 3e. Didn't like 4e cause you couldn't port worth beans, never tried with 5e (looks like it would be doable, however). BUT, counting them seperate for this discussion is a little like counting the various versions of Windows that came out starting with...
  8. S

    PC Gamer: OGL not worth fighting for.

    True. But the question is, why? D&D was the first RPG really. So, it's the widest spread. The others that have come, are trying not to be D&D, so they may not appeal to as wide an audience. Systems may not be alike at all, and that can be off putting. That's not a problem with...
  9. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    One also needs to think about something. The leaked version of the OLG that started this mess looked design to give WOTC a monopoly as far as D&D and D&D related games goes. The ability to make money of anyone making money off it, or to shut them down. Yes, they appear to be...
  10. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    Can a mod split this off into a discussion of possible impacts of the new OGL on the Web, and 'what websites would be a good idea to back up'? I feel the dicussion, while warranted, has derailed the primary purpose of this thread.
  11. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    It's not nearly as intimidating as it sounds. Just do the download, and then zip it. Compression of HTML/TXT based documents is roughly 7:1 Yeah, graphics run up the size a bit, but that's not to bad. The 3 Downloads I did of the WOTC Discussion forms, compressed as a Zip, take up just...
  12. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    I was online way before TSR started doing that, and that was the reason I started DLing websites in the first place. I lost access to a lot of cool content back then. I have no interest in seeing that happen again.
  13. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    Do you really think the higher ups will care if they think they can make money suing people?
  14. S

    We might want to start saving Websites

    It occurs to me that a new OGL might be problematic for some websites, or sections of them. So, they might take those sections down to avoid headaches (if not close up all together). For example, discuss forms where people post custom D&D Content, Fan-websites and the like. So, I'm making a...
  15. S

    The Washington Post is reporting on the situation now

    Between the Mainstream media going 'Bad idea, and our lawyers say you can't anyway', the players and publishering going 'oh Nine Hells no', and the 'break off company' (Paizo) going 'Well, if you're going to do that, we've got a surprise for you', I think Hasbro is probably looking at the people...