• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by ShinHakkaider

  1. S

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    When did you leave D&D? I left D&D during 4E. I was part of a playtest for 4E here in NYC. Didnt care for it but still picked up the finished product and ran a few games on my own and found that I REALLY did not like the direction or feel of the game. Eventually I traded in all of my 4e stuff...
  2. S

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    I think (at least for me) WHEN I got into D&D impacted my willingness to read, modify and run prewritten adventures. When I started things like "splatbooks' and suppliments were few and far between if not non existent. I got into D&D a few years before the original UNEARTHED ARCANA came out. It...
  3. S

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    My introduction to D&D wasnt through the rules, it was through discovering an abandoned copy of B2 THE KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS. The scenario and the setup pulled me in. Because of that I've always liked and loved pre-written adventures and run them almost exclusively.
  4. S

    Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

    You can roll your eyes all you want. I said what I said, just like you said what you said. If you dont want to accept a different and pretty well established view point on this that's on you. But it's been established in well over 30-40 years of comics that mutants = any underrepresented and...
  5. S

    Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

    I dont find the subtle or not-so-subtle erasure of the racial parallels (Mutants = Black people), particularly surprising on these boards but I can assure you as someone who wasn't a fan of the original X-men animated show I find this show, particularly on point in addressing how specifically...
  6. S

    D&D General DMs: Do you buy and/or run official adventures?

    Pathfinder GM here and yes I buy and have run pre-written/official adventures and will continue to do so.
  7. S

    Paizo Announces Pathfinder War of Immortals Meta Event

    I think they haven't done another one because of the amount of work and time that went into the conversions. If. IIRC it took about 2 years for that project to be fulfilled and make it into backers' hands. Nope, LONGER. The pledges ended in 2019 and the project didn't start making it into...
  8. S

    Digital vs physical media which do you prefer?

    I guess it depends what youre talking about? for music while I still have physical CD's and Vinyl I mostly consume music on my iphone. It's all music that I curated and not through any services like Apple Music or Spotify. I also have my Technics 1200MKII turntable connected to a pair of decent...
  9. S

    What is/are your most recent TTRPG purchase(s)?

    My most recent TTRPG purchases have been the MONSTER CORE from Pathfinder 2e Remaster and SEVEN DOOMS FOR SANDPOINT hardcover both from Paizo.
  10. S

    D&D General D&D Live Play Dimension 20 At Madison Square Garden

    Critical Role, raised over 11 million dollars to do an animated demo to shop around to streaming services / studios. That money came from fans of theirs. People who watched their livestreams and listened to their podcasts. 11 million+ But there's not an audience for Dimension 20 at MSG...
  11. S

    Can You Go Home Again? +

    I stared playing TTRPG’s when I was in elementary school and I played through junior High, High school and then college. Most of my best gaming experiences were during that time. I wasn’t in my career and hadn’t started a family yet so there was a time where my focus was mostly on my hobbies...
  12. S

    How Crunchy is Too Crunchy, For You Personally

    I guess I'm the opposite of a lot of people here, I don’t like and pretty much refuse to play rules light systems unless I know and REALLY trust the person running them. Too much GM fiat and making things up as we go along. I don’t mind SOME of that as no system is going to be able to cover...
  13. S

    Spoilers Bad Batch: Final Season *SPOILERS*

    These shows have never really been strictly "kids" shows even from the first CLONE WARS series. Hell, midway through the first season Ventress stabs someone from behind with a lightsaber through a chair with the point of her blade sticking out of the dude's chest from the front. And it's done...
  14. S

    Why DON'T you want to GM?

    The Hardest part of GM'ing which makes me not want to do it is finding the right people to play with. Putting together a group is by far, for me at least, the LEAST pleasant thing about being a GM. I used to hear a lot of people complaining about prep and dealing with problematic players. I...
  15. S

    What is your favorite RPG book of all time?

    I'm not even a Realms fan but that book is so well done and so densely packed with info that it's one of the only 3x era WOTC books I kept after I got rid of the bulk of my other 3x stuff.