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Recent content by Samurai

  1. Samurai

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    I'll have to look a6t the book when it's published, but based on the last playtest, I voted a luke-warm yes(?). But reading the actual product will determine my final answer. I had played Pathfinder 1e for 10 years, so I bought Pathfinder 2e expecting to love and play it. I was VERY...
  2. Samurai

    D&D (2024) Do you think they will add more races to PHB2024 to make up for dropping other stuff?

    I wouldn't be surprised if the Goliaths were added, as they apparently were well liked in the preview.
  3. Samurai

    D&D (2024) New Survey Results | Druid & Paladin | Unearthed Arcana | D&D

    The house rules I've always applied to Druid's Wildshaping is that half of any damage suffered in the WS form carries over to the Druid's HP. This makes the WS form behave somewhat similar to a Barbarian's rage (which grants Resistance to many damage types), but if the animal form has suffered...
  4. Samurai

    Black Flag Project Black Flag Reveal Its Official Title: 'Tales of the Valiant'!

    I agree. How about "Kobolds and Conjurings"? (Putting the company's mascot in the title seems obvious, as is hinting at having Kobolds as a playable race in the game, further marking it as different than DnD! Remember, Paizo put their signature Goblins into Pathfinder 2e as a playable race...)
  5. Samurai

    Spelljammer Album! Spelljams!

    I'll just use music by Abney Park...
  6. Samurai

    News Digest for the Week of May 13

    The Midnight team should maybe team up with Ghostfire Gaming, the team behind the Grim Hollow setting. I would consider using the Grim Hollow rules with any Midnight-like Grim-dark setting...
  7. Samurai

    RPG Print News – Troll Lord Games, Catalyst, and More

    I bought Shadowrun versions 1 thru 5, but because of everything I'd heard about 6e, 5e was where I stopped, and I have no regrets. I'd MUCH rather use the setting with a rules set that I know and like, such as Savage Worlds, than buy 6e.
  8. Samurai

    Spelljammer Spelljammer 5th Edition pre-orders

    Three 64-page books only come to 192 pages in all, I feel they could have put them all together into 1 book with the removeable map in the back and reduced the price by at least $10 (and maybe even increased the page count to the typical 224 pages by adding more monsters). This "new format"...
  9. Samurai

    Steamforged Games Apologizes & Reprints Dark Souls Books

    IMHO it shows why it's best to release a PDF to supporters/backers/customers first, and only when you believe all the problems have been found and corrected, do you then order a print run of the book.
  10. Samurai

    Rivers of London, RuneQuest Gods, Regency Cthulhu Coming Soon From Chaosium

    I've never read the Rivers of London books, but from the art and description, it sounds like it would be great for playing in the setting of "The Nevers", a mini-series on HBO max about a bunch of people that suddenly gained superhuman abilities in Victorian England (its premise is sort of a...
  11. Samurai

    D&D General ARcana -- Augmented TTRPG Platform from Actor Joe Manganiello

    I certainly understand your point, but for someone like me (over 1100/20 vision), who must wear very thick glasses to see anything at all, such forms of AR, VR, or even 3-D movies or video games don't work at all.
  12. Samurai

    RPG Evolution: Playing Your PC Poorly

    Your Turn: Have you ever played a deeply flawed character who intentionally didn't use their abilities to the fullest? Yes, I created and played a crazy gnomish inventor in a Pathfinder campaign named Mad Angus Malone. He literally used gunpowder as if it were chewing tobacco and as black...
  13. Samurai

    Modiphius Launches 'Roll vs Evil' Project to Help Fight Real World Evils

    The name makes me think of the movie "Tucker and Dale vs Evil", hope the actual efforts turn out better than that movie's did...
  14. Samurai


    It seems to me like they lifted several ideas from the MCU movies: Living on/in the corpse of a dead alien = Knowhere, from Guardians of the Galaxy. A spirit land where your ancestors appear as animals = Black Panther movie, where he visited the spirit of his father and others who are...
  15. Samurai

    D&D 5E Call of the Netherdeep Delayed To 5th April in Europe

    I'm waiting for Amazon to discount it further before I order it.... That usually happens about 1 month before the release date.