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Recent content by RithTheAwakener

  1. RithTheAwakener

    Enter The Arena reboot, over 100% funded and open til Nov. 2!

    Greetings everyone! We at Promethean Games Inc. are currently running a limited production run of Enter The Arena over on our Kickstarter! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/prometheangames/eta-enter-the-arena-reboot. The campaign is already over 100% funded after two days, and we still have...
  2. RithTheAwakener

    Enter The Arena, 5 days left!

    Greetings everyone! Enter The Arena, a new strategy card game where players take on the roles of gladiators in the ancient Roman Colosseum! ETA has been receiving some great press and reviews. Rather than espouse about here are some choice snippets from our many reviews: If these blurbs...
  3. RithTheAwakener

    FatherGeek.com's review for Enter The Arena

    As the title says, here is FatherGeek's newest review for a new Kickstarter game called Enter The Arena. I, being one of the games creators, would love if you would take the time to give the review a read! I think the review is on point and very entertaining. Enjoy!
  4. RithTheAwakener

    Kickstarter [Kickstarter] Enter The Arena, plus a review from FatherGeek.com!

    My name is Jonathan Oberto, a founder and game designer at Promethean games Inc. We recently launched a Kickstarter for our new game, Enter The Arena. Enter The Arena is a fast paced, strategy card game where a combination of strength, wits, and cunning are necessary for survival and to achieve...
  5. RithTheAwakener

    Pathfinder 1E Paladin Derivatives

    The file appears to be missing! I am very curious to read this; I liked this take in 3.5 with LG/CG/LE/CE "paladins", and I am curious to see what you've added.
  6. RithTheAwakener

    Enter The Arena - A gladiator themed, strategy card game!

    Hi everybody! Should you not know me, my name is Jonathan, and I've been lurking ENWorld for nearly 8 years now. I've been playing games since I was 3 years old (a good 24 years ago), and playing D&D (and other P&P RPGs) for 14 years. I have decided to start a career for myself creating that...
  7. RithTheAwakener

    Critique my Rogue Build?

    The build seems to be all over the place for me. There doesn't appear to be a clear focus. It looks fine, and could be versatile, but I can't say much other than that without a clear goal in mind.
  8. RithTheAwakener

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    I've only encountered an animated object once. I ran Curse of the Crimson Throne, which has an animated object in one of the modules. It didn't have a stat sheet for it (oddly enough it made you build your own object), but it did say who made it, and it had his CL in the maker's stat block a few...
  9. RithTheAwakener

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Aha! A simple Dispel Magic. From paizo.com... "Not all constructs are built with the Craft Construct feat. Spells like animate objects allow a caster to temporarily animate an existing object. These constructs are in many ways weaker than manufactured constructs, as they are susceptible to...
  10. RithTheAwakener

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Ah my mistake, Animate Object did not lead me there ><. Very odd distinction though; it seems like that technicality could be very easy to abuse. A wizard with a bag full of 100 small adamantine permanently animated bullets, he opens the bag at the start of a combat and wins.
  11. RithTheAwakener

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    By the Core book and Bestiary rules, animated objects are not immune to critical hits. This makes sense, as they turn from being an object, to being a construct which can be critically hit. For some reason the Pathfinder OGC has additional animated object rules, which offers a redundancy...
  12. RithTheAwakener

    How do you deal with Hardness 20? (Spoilers for The Infernal Syndrome)

    Since it can't leave the room, buff the (a) Ranger and plink away as it's stuck in the room. Deadly aim, pbs, magic weapon, gravity bow maybe a favored enemy bonus, improved critical.. should add up to ~+12 damage. Crit it twice and you win. For good measure, prevent running out of line of sight...
  13. RithTheAwakener

    Kingmaker: Your City and Kingdom

    1. Where your group built your first city and why; First city was at the Stag Lord's keep, for the defensive location and the cheap castle. 2. The name of your first city and why; We called the city Highwatch, as it is high on a mountain/hill overlooking most of the lakes and plains of the...
  14. RithTheAwakener

    Embellished mastercraft rules

    I like it! Maybe for Theive's Tools #3, they are easier to conceal around your person, granting +2 or +4 to Sleight of Hand checks to do so?
  15. RithTheAwakener

    As a DM, what is your default answer to player requests?

    My favorite response is "Yes", followed closely by "You can try!" It tends to remind the player that what they want (or want to do) might not go as they plan and to consider their actions carefully.