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Recent content by Rineran Foxfire

  1. R

    Mounts, How do they work?

    I think that BS. Sure D&D is a outlet for creative passion but it is by no means a make up the rules yourself kind of game. There is a reason why people buy Pathfinder books. It's so they can use the game mechanics and rules set up by people who know what they're doing. If you want to play D&D...
  2. R

    Mounts, How do they work?

    Our DM is doing this campaign 100% by the book, which means no material that isnt in a hardcover book.
  3. R

    Mounts, How do they work?

    So Im a Human Ranger, my DM let me choose Roc as my companion at lvl 4. According to the Core Rulebook a Roc companion is a medium creature a little bit larger than a human. Can I use my Roc as a mount at current level or do I have to wait until he becomes Large?
  4. R

    Animal Companion Questions

    Now wait a minute, how can your animal companion by a scout if you cant commune with it? How can my Eagle scout for me if I can't see what it sees or talk to it and ask it what it sees?
  5. R

    Animal Companion Questions

    I know the 4th level advancement sucks, what do you mean by trade it out for somethinng else?
  6. R

    Animal Companion Questions

    I mean this isnt really a huge deal, the animal companion isnt a very important thing to this character, i just dont have a high wisdom to make the other hunter's bond option relevant. I was just wondering if birds were really worth it as a companion or should I go DoG or Cat
  7. R

    Animal Companion Questions

    So Ranger animal companions are simply for non combat use then?
  8. R

    Souls for Smugglers Shiv

    Your PCs biggest ally in this campaign is Create Water. Also as the DM try and push the NPCs to talk more during group discussions.
  9. R

    Animal Companion Questions

    So I'm playing a Ranger and just hit level 4 and after looking at the animal companion page in the Core Book I'm a little confused by a few things. 1. Does the Ranger and his animal share a telepathic link in terms of communication? I'm leaning towards an Eagle pet and I wanted to know if my...
  10. R

    Two Weapon Fighting Ranger Issues

    Thats after racial, I'm playing a Human so I wasnt too worried about int, the 15 point buy system doesnt really allow much room for change unless i want to gimp my 18 dex score
  11. R

    Two Weapon Fighting Ranger Issues

    I decided on my stats such as this using the 15 point buy system, my stat points at every 4th lvl will go into STR, I'm doing Skirmisher archetype as it fits my character idea of being a rogue hybrid. Rogue will be my secondary class for at least 5 levels to gain 3 Sneak attack d6. STR 14 DEX...
  12. R

    Two Weapon Fighting Ranger Issues

    So ok you think I should go 18 Dex 14 Str at the start for AC then put all my stat points into STR to boost dmg? I'm sold ont he dual wielding short swords, the threat range is only 1 different.
  13. R

    Two Weapon Fighting Ranger Issues

    I like both ideas but I think I'm going to go with the Ranger / Rogue idea while taking the Skirmisher archetype. Ranger spells always seemed like the worst part about the class in my opinion. First 2 levels in Ranger then 1 in Rogue then 4 more in Ranger then 4 more in Rogue.
  14. R

    Two Weapon Fighting Ranger Issues

    So I'm in a Pathfinder Campaign for the first time, we're doing a very gritty sandbox called Serpent's Skull (No Spoilers please I am a PC). The campaign is very difficult and my Inquisitor just died. The DM is having me reroll and I wanted to make a Ranger who Dual Wields. I'm noticing that...
  15. R

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Crit and Weapon Questions

    First question, what books are Laminated Steel and Serrated in? I was told I can get Scimitar to a 17-20 x3 +1 Damage with those and I need to know what book they are in when my DM asks. Second question, when using a Double Scimitar do both blades need to be enchanted or does just the weapon as...