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Recent content by reelo

  1. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    After a certain amount of historical minis I yearned to paint some scifi/grimdark stuff. I've been meaning to make a small force of these WW1-French looking guys here but I was wondering if I could come up with a different paint scheme than just good old historical "horizon blue". I think these...
  2. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    Here's a few Vendel-period Northmen (think Jutes, Geats, Angles) I've started working on. As can be seen by their armour (the fact that tbey have any!) they are high-status, so their clothing gets nice (but still historical!) colours.
  3. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    Try a coat of gloss varnish before applying the decal. It will smoothen out the surface. Together with MicroSol and MicroSet that should do the trick.
  4. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    The leader of my upcoming SAGA warband, Earl Deorwine, along with 3 of his loyal huscarls.
  5. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    Anglo-Dane huscarls, rhe start of a SAGA warband
  6. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    Last picture of my spearmen, I swear. At least this unit of armoured ones, because they're all done now. I decorated the shields a tiny bit more. Now on to either the unarmored spearmen, or the armored cavalry. Both of those need airbrush priming first, so both will probably be done in one go.
  7. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    The first unit of 12 is almost complete. Almost....
  8. reelo


    Bassist T.M. Stevens died on March 10. He was 72.
  9. reelo

    What are you listening to?

    One hell of a great album!
  10. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    My Carolingian regiment is growing
  11. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    Dipping my toes into historical skirmish gaming (Lion Rampant) This mini is a Carolingian hearthguard. The spear is actually a 1mm thick nylon bristle from a broom. That's a trick to make the mini less fragile. Oh and the print files come with an o-shaped right hand specifically for that reason.
  12. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    After having bought the rulebook for "Lion Rampant", which my new gaming buddies have already played numerous times, I fancied printing a Frankish warband: unarmored spearmen, armored hearthguard infantry, mounted hearthguard. Can't wait to get these started...
  13. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    After a foray into the colourful 90s, back to my regular painting style.
  14. reelo

    Fighting the Gray Tide (Miniature Painting)

    You might not like it but this is what peak Orc physique looks like.