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Recent content by pablomaz

  1. pablomaz

    Looking for a Cyberpunk Genre Game

    Yeah, it didn't work for me. I participated in the KS, I read it, but I never played.
  2. pablomaz

    Looking for a Cyberpunk Genre Game

    I played a little 2e a long, long time ago, and I tried to get into SR again when the 5e Brazilian edition came out (2017, IIRC). I never played 5e, and I still haven't played 6e, but 6e looks better IMO. It was well received in the Brazilian SR community at least. Things could be much better...
  3. pablomaz

    Looking for a Cyberpunk Genre Game

    Curiously, here I am at this exact moment, trying to learn Shadowrun Sixth World (6e, the latest edition). It's... Confusing, to say the least.
  4. pablomaz

    D&D (2024) Do you plan to adopt D&D5.5One2024Redux?

    Probably not. I'm definitely not buying the PHB right away. I will wait, at least, until I see the new stuff and what's different. I would be more inclined to embark on a proper new edition than to incorporate all these other things.
  5. pablomaz

    DCC Level 0 Character Funnel is a Bad Concept

    There's nothing wrong with the concept; maybe it's not the right game for you guys, which is fair... Trying to use a grid for 48 PCs was a big mistake, though.
  6. pablomaz

    D&D 3E/3.5 Edition Experience - Did/Do you Play 3rd Edtion D&D? How Was/Is it?

    I played it from 2004 to 2017 (I was playing it alongside with for a few years). I enjoyed it; I liked the more complex combat and the abundance of material... But I really disliked the feat system, the enormous number of spells, and, most of all, I hated prestige classes.
  7. pablomaz

    D&D 5E I want my players to ignore class in character creation

    Why are you playing a class-based system if you don't want to think about classes? It makes no sense.
  8. pablomaz

    D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

    It sure is. There are people who somehow think that 5e is great for everything, people who think 5e is the best D&D edition, people who think there are better D&D editions, but, mostly, there are people who know no other thing. And they are a perfect match with the first group - specially the...
  9. pablomaz

    D&D 5E Don't Throw 5e Away Because of Hasbro

    I've always enjoyed 5e, but I'm tired of its limitations and the corporate need to transform it into a "TTRPG live service". The "all we need is 5e" movement also annoys me, as if 5e was the "ultimate" rendition of D&D or, worse, the ultimate TTRPG. 5e is D&D, and that system is not the best...
  10. pablomaz

    D&D General Do you incorporate holiday or festive themes into your games?

    No, not really. Maybe this is a very American thing to do, like many TV shows incorporate seasonal themes on them? I don't know. Incorporating Carnaval in my games doesn't make much sense to my Brazilian mind, for example. Or the World Cup every four years, all characters wearing yellow...:LOL:
  11. pablomaz

    Are Superhero films dying?

    For me, they are. It's been at least eight years since I gave up on them (Winter Soldier was the last I can remember I went to the theater to watch). I watched a few after that: Deadpool, Logan, Wonder Woman, and Black Panther, if I recall correctly, but it was just out of curiosity. I can't...
  12. pablomaz

    Time to vote for BG3 for the Game Awards, which is in December

    I love the game, 179h so far... But I didn't play the others. I don't think it's fair for me to vote.
  13. pablomaz

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    That's not our case. It's a homebrew campaign that started pretty cool four years ago and was cool for a long time, but now it's just dragging. We have an end in sight, but it will take a little longer still.
  14. pablomaz

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Extremely boring never-ending 5e campaign. (I suppose "never-ending" qualifies as 1 word, right?)
  15. pablomaz

    How VTT Automation Exacerbates D&D Market Control

    It will only get worse when they release their VTT...