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Recent content by Numion

  1. Numion

    Who was right

    As a DM I (well, an NPC bad guy anyway) once killed a PC with one of those instadeath spells. A combat round later another player remembered that he had cast Death Ward on the deceased PC earlier. I just said no problem, the fighter catches his wind and rises from the dead. Take two turns in a...
  2. Numion

    Worst role-playing experience?

    I don't have many horrible RPG experiences since I play with close friends. Once me and one of my friends decided to check out a game at a local gaming club. We were about 13 at the time (yeah it shouldn't matter, but it did, sadly). The first session was just to make characters, which is...
  3. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Good arguments, Rykion. Well played. I agree that singularly any of those qualities can be present in a PC. But if they all exist within a single character, that has to be a DMPC that's forced upon the PCs. No player would stand gaming with another player running such a character - but when...
  4. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Amen! Nice analysis, and exactly to the point! :cool:
  5. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Then question it, but don't threadcrap with generic innuendo. What specific things I have posted are unsupported by the book? Start, for example, with Gandalfs qualities. Is he not rude, more powerful than others in his group, hogging xp, has the best items (sans one ring), won't stay dead ...
  6. Numion

    Who was right

    I'd try to factor in two things to my decision: 1) Meleers get a disproportionate amount of their stuff broken in combat, when compared to archers or mages. If they are not compensated somehow, playing a meleers will be loser deal. 2) There should be an incentive for the meleers to try to keep...
  7. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    The Balrog fight is canon baby, no wai Gandalf is 6th level :cool:
  8. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Nah, I would run away and save my PC. Unless there was a glory-hogging DMPC around who wanted me to run away - in which case I'd have no other option than to get into the fight and uphold the PCs honor until bitter TPK. Just to piss in the DMs cereals ;) See that's what the DM wants you to...
  9. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    no, not really. It was booooooriiiiiing... Anyway, back to big G. I'd be really furious if the Balrog scene played out in a game I was playing. It would've been a TPK, I'm not backing out of a fight just because a DMPC says so. Further, it would also just increase problems later since Gandalf...
  10. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    D'uh. I was trying to say that he's the model for many of the bad DMPCs, and that he has many of the qualities of bad DMPCs. That is undeniable. Now, when impressionable DMs read LotR, they'll get inspired to have similar character in their GAME. So doesn't it follow that Tokien has some...
  11. Numion

    Gandalf - Patient Zero of Bad DMPC Epidemic?

    Hi, I'm reading Lord of the Rings once again, and cannot help but think that Big G is the archetype for all the bad DMPCs most of us have suffered through. All the respect to Tolkien for reinforcing the adventuring group cliche, which is quite useful for the logistics of RPGing. I just feel...
  12. Numion

    EN World scientists...

    Research Scientist (that's what my card says, anyway) at the State Research Centre in Finland. Mostly done research in risk and reliability analysis in the nuclear field. Now I'm on a one year contract to Institutt för Energiteknikk in Norway, working on human reliability analysis.
  13. Numion

    The Complete Masks of Nyarlathotep d20

    Doesn't this have precedent in Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan books? Apparently he wasn't as knowledgeable about african fauna as he was about loinclothes, and Tarzan apparently killed a moose in the jungle.. :p Thanks for the update anyway, great stuff :lol:
  14. Numion

    How often do you use traps?

    A strange poll :confused: I use them at least once a dungeon (is that 100%?) but usually in just a few rooms / encounters (is that 10-20%).