• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by noodohs

  1. N

    Level Up (A5E) Bard's art specialty and Tearful Sonnet

    Okay, I think I'm starting to get the intent, it's just weirdly/poorly worded. The idea is you have to use your instrument, which is your focus, to use your art specialty feature. You could use a component pouch to cast other spells while concentrating on Tearful Sonnet, but those spells then...
  2. N

    Level Up (A5E) Bard's art specialty and Tearful Sonnet

    Ah, I had thought it might be a bard thing, but it only shows up in spells and not in the class itself... And then is extra confusing when those spells are given to other classes. Okay.
  3. N

    Level Up (A5E) Bard's art specialty and Tearful Sonnet

    Quoting on mobile is hard, sorry for the large block. The cleric is getting it as part of the healer archetype. But that still doesn't really answer the question. That spell specifies casting something THROUGH the focus. I understand that one must hold a focus for it to count as being used, but...
  4. N

    Level Up (A5E) Bard's art specialty and Tearful Sonnet

    This is really two questions, but it originally came up because our healer cleric is about to get access to Tearful Sonnet, which he is pretty grumpy about (but that's a different matter). In that spell, it says: "You cannot cast another spell through your spellcasting focus while concentrating...
  5. N

    Voidrunner Here It Comes... The Voidrunner's Codex: A5E in SPACE!

    They've talked about it before, this is a standalone game that is compatible with A5e, but otherwise does not require anything else (unless I am mistaken). Yes, except without any fantasy elements like magic (I haven't played Starfinder so if they also don't have magic, my bad). Strictly...
  6. N

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    That has been my point all along, just let people fly if they want to and if you as a GM have some reservations, I also provided some suggestions for ways to deal with them. I do not think flight should be nerfed, quite the opposite. It's already nerfed and should be un-nerfed.
  7. N

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    Yes, I meant planetar. It was late, my bad. I get very frustrated with the anti-PC flight people because the restrictions they want to impose are so punishing as to make me not even want to bother, which just feels like... why? Have you actually let players just have flight without those...
  8. N

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    You criticize me for punishing the player's fun, but these are far, far more anti-fun than anything I've proposed. There are certainly some logical restrictions to be had regarding carrying capacity and what not, but in a game where planars exist, limiting size makes no sense. Instead, you could...
  9. N

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    I honestly don't see any of those as issues. Most traps are in dungeons, dungeons have low ceilings, can't fly if the ceilings are low. Or add a trip wire trap overhead so if someone tries to fly/jump over it, they get a net. The solutions to these "problems" are so simple I really do not...
  10. N

    Level Up (A5E) Why is non-magical flying so limited for PCs?

    People are weirdly opposed to flight in D&D generally, I find, but only when players can do it. Monsters are fine, but when players get to have the same boon, suddenly the world is ending. It certainly can trivialize many things, but as others have said, only if the GM fails to take it into...
  11. N

    Level Up (A5E) Dream spell vs elves

    I don't remember why I started thinking of it this way, but I like to think that long ago, some elves got a little too crazy with their dreams and now the entire heritage is like nah, that was too weird, let's just never sleep again so the Eldritch horrors can't get us. So yes, they can sleep...
  12. N

    3PP Release Would you buy archetypes for 3rd party classes?

    I don't think I know of any 3PP releases that have been purely for monetary gain, at least for A5e. Yes, the publishers do get money for them, but in most cases I imagine (based on my wife's experience) that it's barely enough to justify having released it at all. Usually they are done because...
  13. N

    Level Up (A5E) Can you use a bonus action when surprised?

    The thing is, it's specifically called out in o5e, at least, that you cannot use a bonus action as an action, which would suggest that it is not, in fact, an action. I order to use a bonus action, you must have a bonus action available, not an action. So I would argue the opposite, that it's a...
  14. N

    Level Up (A5E) Issues with changes to Reach property

    Yeah, I saw that. Definitely adds to the confusion. We intend on just using the o5e meaning of reach as it makes the most sense, but maybe there's something I'm missing.
  15. N

    Level Up (A5E) Issues with changes to Reach property

    I never really looked at what the reach weapon property does because I assumed it was the same as it always has been, but it isn't. For some reason or another, it was changed for A5e to this: Reach. This weapon can be used to make attacks against targets within 10 feet. If a weapon has a longer...