• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by mykediemart

  1. mykediemart

    Vote For The Most Anticipated RPG of 2024!

    Adventure Conqueror King - So much more depth then any OSR "clone/inspired" game Shadow of the Weird Wizard - The creator delivers and then some Dolmanwood - Because it strange and awesome
  2. mykediemart

    Black Sword Hack: An Interview with Kobayashi

    It's a really cool game. I read it straight through the day it arrived. If you don't play it as presented a lot of it can be used with other OSR and d20 mechanic games fairly easy. Blood and souls for lord Arioch
  3. mykediemart

    D&D General Some Interesting Stats About D&D Players!

    ... Of people who filled out this survey, or even knew it existed.
  4. mykediemart

    Not DnD - Shadow of the Weird Wizard with Rob Schwalb

    Looking forward to this, Shadow of the DemonLord is a favorite of mine.
  5. mykediemart

    D&D (2024) RPG Evolution: The Art of the Apology

    "But that's what my character would do" -WoTC
  6. mykediemart

    RPG Evolution: How to Fan

    100% That's not feedback on the product but how a 3rd party delivered it. I read reviews to see if the product is for me. Not if UPS was lacking. Also give a fair review of the product that you used or played.
  7. mykediemart

    Kong: Skull Island for Everyday Heroes: an Interview with Dave Scott

    I'm looking forward to see what they did with Highlander. I'd like to run something like the old Spycraft game. I looked at the short/long rest and its 5e, (of course) hope they add some cinematic options.
  8. mykediemart

    News Digest for the Week of May 13

    Midnight was an awesome setting. I am looking forward to see how they update it.
  9. mykediemart

    Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder Passed at 41

    Sad. If you are struggling please reach out. You matter.
  10. mykediemart

    You Can Play Pacific Rim, King Kong, Highlander, The Crow, Total Recall, Escape from NY, Universal Soldier, Rambo

    They got me with Highlander ... not sure this is the best system for it, but I'm a sucker.
  11. mykediemart

    Games Workshop Gives Staff £5,000 Bonus

    Cool - can you stop attacking fans then GW? No Worries i'll move on
  12. mykediemart

    WotC WotC Gets A New Logo?

    Cool the logo looks like a first year graphics design student turned it in.
  13. mykediemart

    OSR Red Box, but like modern I guess?!?!?

    Basic Fantasy its free PDF and cheap in print. its BX but with race and class split
  14. mykediemart

    Five Things I Love About Shadow Of The Demon Lord

    Of course you know you can just leave them out. I prefer to leave out clockworks all the time. I used it for a warhammer game, made a few tweeks worked well.