• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Mortus

  1. M

    Voidrunner Here's What The Voidrunner's Codex Box Set Looks Like

    I had not heard of it - I associate the word paranormal with horror so it did not come up in searches. I just looked it up on DTRPG and read the reviews. It looks like what I’ve been looking for but then I noticed Midjourney AI in the artist credits. Unfortunately, I’m not currently supporting...
  2. M

    Voidrunner Here's What The Voidrunner's Codex Box Set Looks Like

    Fantastic! I just signed up for the launch - I’m looking for both dedicated classes and something for other PCs similar to like wild talents from older editions. Besides the Psionics the other sci-fi and sci-fantasy elements look very interesting - can’t wait to check it out more at launch - thanks!
  3. M

    Voidrunner Here's What The Voidrunner's Codex Box Set Looks Like

    I wonder if these are new Psionics rules or more Psionic-subclasses? I want to add Psionics to my 5E game and have not found the right fit yet. Hope this is innovative.
  4. M

    Worlds of Design: The Improv Imbalance

    I started my GM life decades ago using published adventures. They still required improvisation for NPCs and unexpected side quests and other shenanigans the PCs would add to the adventure. I simply use characters, plots, and other elements from all the novels, movies, and TV I watched. I also...
  5. M

    The Rise And Fall Of Evil Genius Games

    I think licensed IP was the main attraction. That’s how my group heard of them. That worked for Nightfall Games too - we went all in on The Terminator RPG. Oh, and Free League with the AlLIEN RPG. In fact, I guess you could say the same for Modiphius with Conan, Star Trek, etc. Maybe consider...
  6. M

    Worlds of Design: The Art of Improv

    I’m in the 81-100% category although I make exceptions for published adventures with very good reviews that my players want to play. Currently, running Chronicles of the Gatekeeper (Star Wars F&D) and about to start Chains of Asmodeus (5E). My favorite game I’m running right now though is my...
  7. M

    Dragon Reflections #74

    1983. My buddy gifted me the famous BECMI Red Box so we could play our RPG lunch games with rules besides the diceless ‘points system’ I kept in my head. Fun times.
  8. M

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    I'm currently DMing two 5E groups of 12 players total. Not one fan of the 2024 D&D 5E play test changes so far except for the changes to inspiration that we already added to our games. The mandatory feats are a big turn off for us. With few exceptions we do not use the optional feats in our 2014...
  9. M

    Nominate your MOST ANTICIPATED RPG of 2024

    Talislanta 6th Edition. https://gamefound.com/en/projects/cbatarlis/talislanta?ref=search
  10. M

    Dragon Reflections #71

    My first two FRPGs were Basic D&D Red Box and Swordbearer. They provided completely different game experiences at the table. Basic D&D (once you got to 3rd level) was great for high fantasy and Swordbearer was great for gritty realism fantasy. I highly recommend Swordbearer if your group is...
  11. M

    Grey Fellowship, Alpha Squad, Starship Murphy: Meet the Pregens in the What's OLD is NEW Starter Set!

    I must say that I love the look of this boxed set - the layout and art are fantastic - and the amount and type of content is a great value. I’ve haven’t tried out WOIN yet so I think I’ll get this to try it out. I’m been looking for a system for a couple of home brew settings I GM in that I...
  12. M

    RPG Crowdfunding News – The Walking Dead, The Black Ballad, CinCityCon, and more

    Talislanta 6E with separate 5E conversion has 21 days left on Gamefound. It’s funded and the stretch goals keep coming. It’s a fantastic game - you can check out past editions for free at Talislanta.com to see if it’s your cup of tea...
  13. M

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Shadowdark, Little Game Masters, Forge of Foes, and more

    Talislanta is back on Gamefound.com for a final 6th edition! A separate 5E version is also offered. Still No Elves! https://gamefound.com/projects/cbatarlis/talislanta?ref=homepage-featured_2
  14. M

    D&D 5E WotC: Why Dark Sun Hasn't Been Revived

    I’ve used the older DarkSun material on DMSGuild as-is with D&D 5E and it works fine in a non-balanced-encounters play style. The old Complete Psionics Handbook can be used pretty much as-is with D&D 5E - it was already it own sub-system in AD&D 2E.
  15. M

    D&D Movie/TV There's A New Trailer For D&D: Honor Among Thieves

    My dozen high-school buddies and I really want to see it but Hasbro/WOTC is not getting any more money from us for their betrayal of the community unless they stop trying to ‘deauthorize’ the OGL, add the word ‘irrevocable’ to it, and release it as the OGL 1.0b.