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Recent content by Mort

  1. Mort

    D&D General The Charisma Conundrum

    It's not about saying you want to be. It's about saying what you want to do. It's saying you give a rousing speech, not actually giving a rousing speech. It's also recognizing that there are many ways people can be "charismatic" you have to take that into account. But they don't actually have...
  2. Mort

    D&D General The Charisma Conundrum

    Even here, I will generally ask a player what they are trying to accomplish and will go with that more. One of my partners at work, has a style with clients that I'm 100% sure would get me punched in the face. He directly insults them, questions their life choices, all sorts of stuff I could...
  3. Mort

    D&D General The Charisma Conundrum

    In previous threads, the OP has been generally pretty active, if unbending in their viewpoint. Curious to see their response in this thread.
  4. Mort

    D&D General The Charisma Conundrum

    Approaching the situation already convinced it will fail? That's not a good way to start out. How about, instead, thinking of ways to help Doug? And ways to alter your approach? So? If he rolls when appropriate, that's how some people game. Why do you hold the face man to a higher standard than...
  5. Mort

    D&D General What's your best D&D tip (50 words or less)

    On the DM side: Keep things moving. Both from an action perspective and a game perspective. If there's a dispute, decide and move on, hash it out after the game. On the player side: I'll second or third the following (a version has been said a few times): Be prepared. Know your character...
  6. Mort

    D&D 5E Are Paladins Merely Mediocre Multiclass Fighter/Clerics?

    Yes, the Paladin class leans into the way many tables actually play. Lots of combats BUT not too many encounters between rests, sprinkling of social, not a lot of exploration.
  7. Mort

    Dual Wielder vs. Polearm Master

    What damage are you giving up? Prior to 5th level (so 4th unless you get the feat at 1st) the"extra" damage is 1 per round (less really because of to hit chance). So you'd only need the extra opportunity attack to kick in once per fight or two to equal or exceed that. After 5th (when extra...
  8. Mort

    Dual Wielder vs. Polearm Master

    Are you talking about the dueling fighting style? If so, how are you getting the dueling bonus (of +2 damage) when you are dual wielding?
  9. Mort

    Dual Wielder vs. Polearm Master

    PAM also allows you to get in an opportunity attack when an enemy ENTERS your reach. I've seen this come up a lot and it REALLY increases the damage output.
  10. Mort

    D&D 5E How do you award XP and how often?

    Depends, With my "standard group" I'll give out xp right after its earned. I've found the group LOVES leveling in the middle of a session, so I've adjusted a bit for that! If I'm guest DMing or the like, it's at the end of the session, usually over e-mail (assuming we bother with XP at all. In...
  11. Mort

    D&D General Should you clarify information to the detriment of the players?

    I would remind the group (especially if there are new players) that splitting the party is risky. Especially when one PC is in a place the rest have a difficult time getting to.
  12. Mort

    D&D General Should you clarify information to the detriment of the players?

    Same here. Players get the information their PCs would have access too. The information itself is generally (though I suppose not always) neutral. It's what the players do with it that might be detrimental to them. But then again, it might be beneficial. My role is to give the players...
  13. Mort

    If you wanted to catch Star Trek Prodigy but haven't yet, better watch it soon!

    While this is good news (the show was fun), shows ping-ponging between different (paid) streaming services is getting irritating! There are even instances (here in the U.S.) where some seasons of a show are on one (paid) streaming service and others are on a completely different (paid)...
  14. Mort

    D&D General Tier 2 and 3 combats

    Make sure the party can't always dictate the pace of play. This means, especially, putting them in situations where they cannot rest after every encounter. Situations like waves of bad guys, or where the bad guys are the ones pursuing the party are obvious examples.
  15. Mort

    D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?

    Keep in mind @MNblockhead also mentioned that the Wish ALSO significantly increased the area covered by the spell (Which must have been pretty big to be over the 40,000 square feet already allowed, or maybe it was also covering a big height). That kind of "extra" could also justify the "special...