• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Mircoles

  1. Mircoles

    OSR I never should have picked up Old School Essentials…

    Back in the day the term "Advanced" caused us to miss out on how awesome BD&D could be.
  2. Mircoles

    D&D 5E What rules would you like to see come back in 5E?

    I wouldn't mind a return of the AD&D multiclassing, which I never caused me any problems. The 3e multiclassing has has never felt right to me and just annoys me overall. The Hybrid classes of 4e were enough like the classic multiclassing to bring back the feel but with improvements, though it's...
  3. Mircoles

    D&D 4E The "4E Crowd" - where will they go? What will they play?

    Over all I'd say that I qualify as a serious gamer, even though currently I'm not gaming because no gaming is better than bad gaming and my weekly schedule sucks currently. Game-wise I'm likely switching to Savage worlds, though with some modifications to it. It's by far the most malleable...
  4. Mircoles

    MMO terms and tabletop, anyone completely ANNOYED by this?

    Times change and so do the terms. You don't have to think like a gamer from the 70's to play rpgs. Change is going to happen regardless of how you feel about it.
  5. Mircoles

    Death Spiral vs Starting at 1st Level - X-post from 'Death by Infelicitas'

    I think a character dying is punishment enough. Having them create a new character at a lower level is punishing them a second time and quite lame. It's an old-school idea that needs to die.
  6. Mircoles

    Aspects of D&D that have made you fed up?

    Vancian Magic. 3e's game mastery, rule bloat and AOO. It felt like you couldn't hiccough without getting whacked.
  7. Mircoles

    Story-creation games (storygames) - are they RPGs?

    The story games give me a headache, because I'm always left with an empty feeling afterwards. as if I just spent 4+ hours not really doing much of anything. There doesn't seem to be a "game" feel to them.
  8. Mircoles

    do not know where to post this but going to put it up

    What day of the week are you playing?
  9. Mircoles

    Uniting the Editions: How well did this playtest packet do?

    All I see is the return of a lot problems that caused me to quit playing past editions of D&D. The only thing of any interest in D&Dnext is the advantage/disadvantage mechanic, the rest is of no interest. Been there, done that and I'm not doing it again. A game needs to change to evolve and...
  10. Mircoles

    D&D 4E For the post 4E world, what will your game be?

    If i don't stick with 4e, I'll likely switch over to Savage Worlds, which recently came out with a very backwards compatible new edition. It would seem to be very easy to port over some rules from 4e, like bursts and blasts. As is, Savage Worlds uses templates and 4e's burst and blasts would...
  11. Mircoles

    are you more interested in 5e or numenera?

    I'm at the very least interested in seeing how 5e turns out. I could care less about Nemenara.
  12. Mircoles

    Can someoone explain the "Daily Hate" for me?

    Limitations without a reasonable explanation is why. Obviously the daily takes more effort to use and would have more of a tiring effect then an encounter ability. But, if I have three dailies available, why can't i do the same one three times instead of just once? The same with...
  13. Mircoles

    D&D 5E How Can D&D Next Win You Over?

    Get rid of vancian magic.
  14. Mircoles

    Convincing 4th Edition players to consider 5th Edition

    UGH!! So many pages:eek:
  15. Mircoles

    Menzoberranzan is Editionless... Good move?

    I want the fluff that's in it. I could care less about anything else.