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Recent content by Mathew_Freeman

  1. Mathew_Freeman

    Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook

    5 out of 5 rating for Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook A game that simply takes all of 3.5e and makes it more interesting. Some of the flaws remain, but it improve on so many things. A great game.
  2. Mathew_Freeman

    Numenera Core Rulebook

    3 out of 5 rating for Numenera Core Rulebook Despite having heard all the exciting things about Numenera from lots of people I simply couldn't get my head around what the game was supposed to be. I found the rules and the setting extremely vague. I don't think it's a bad game by any means, and...
  3. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: Now That It's Over

    Liking the idea of this extra thread for remembrances and other questions! BTW, I've also liked for some time now that the final Story Hour thread starts with a note that Piratecat was worried about long threads on the boards... Subscribing here for bonus content and DVD extras. ;)
  4. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    *applause* I have no words. What an ending, what a great fight.
  5. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    Sagiro, with that last line of "...I will tell you how it works" you provoked a throaty appreciative chuckle from me. Thank you. Also - like others, I've been reading this Story Hour since at least the early 3e days. I honestly can't remember when I first picked this up. To face the idea that...
  6. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    I'm going to have to wait until the Story is finished before I go back into the pdf version. I can't face the idea of reading all through it again, knowing that I'll finish it before it's done. But I am going to have one SERIOUS binge read when we're done. Terrific stuff as ever, and I'm...
  7. Mathew_Freeman

    Where will your favourite designers be while at Gen Con?

    I will be accompanying Morrus, also probably wearing a black ENWorld tshirt (for one of the days...) Morrus - if you happen to have more than one of those shirts going spare that'd be really useful...
  8. Mathew_Freeman

    Anyone cancelling their hotel room?

    Thanks for the info, I was about to post a similar query! Just in case anyone here has something to offer, though, I'm in a similar position. I need somewhere to stay at GenCon this year! Arriving Weds, leaving Monday, prepared to have a bit of a walk to get to the Con centre.
  9. Mathew_Freeman

    Season of Sexism #2: The Fake Geek Girl; plus Origins Award Winners, and Red Aegis' designer dream t

    Really glad the video provoked such a response! It was a fun couple of days interviewing and talking to people about it all. And another round of public thanks from me to Our Esteemed Editor for putting me on first! Much of what I'd put in a post here I've already said in the video, of course...
  10. Mathew_Freeman

    Experience Point: Are you using too much gear?

    Love, insulin, a good knife...and a hard-boiled egg </Discworldreference> I took a bunch of good advice to heart before my first trip over to GenCon. I packed as lightly as I could, hoping for hot weather (duh). No sweatshirt, no coat ("in case it rains" TM), just my dice bag for gaming. I...
  11. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    You're talking about the torch-bearer, right?
  12. Mathew_Freeman

    Join a Villainous Conspiracy, Control the World, Win Prizes

    I like the idea of this. It's always fun to have a say in the fate of a world. I will await further information on the factions.
  13. Mathew_Freeman

    2013 Call for Booth Volunteers!

    I've got a job interview on Weds. If I get the job I can probably come to GenCon. Assuming I can fit in a stint on the booth around all the other stuff going on at GenCon I'll happily do a couple of hours. You'll know when I know!
  14. Mathew_Freeman

    2013 Call for Booth Volunteers!

    Whisper it quietly but it's looking quite likely for me to be there... once I've got confirmation I'll see if I've got time to fit in a spell on the booth.
  15. Mathew_Freeman

    Sagiro's Story Hour: The FINAL Adventures of Abernathy's Company (FINISHED 7/3/14)

    WOW. ...what a fantastic battle. Huge kudos to everyone involved for something that came out so well-balanced! And particularly to Aravis, for that stunt! Can we get a behind-the-scenes mechanical description of how that played out?