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Recent content by Mal Malenkirk

  1. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    More aware of his lack of equipment than a few moments ago, Hadrak decides that Eefaystos' means of keeping him safe until he reach the cup must have been through his stalwart companion. He moves behind Dane, and blasts the goliath he is facing. -''So... on an unrelated tangeant; Where do you...
  2. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    Hadrak conjures a waves of radiant light to washes over the Goliath and bolster his allies. Stats without equipment suck. Man, is 4e dependant on equipment! Not quite as much as 3e, but still... Raiyek and Dane gets +2 to all attacks until the end of their next turn.
  3. M

    With the experience of multiple previous editions, why's Dexterity STILL an uberstat?

    In war and battle, throughout history, the slow and the clumsy have gotten the worst of it. Well, along with the old, the children and the women. Basically, when the arrows or the bullets start flying, if you are not quick on your feet, you are screwed!
  4. M

    Scheming Rogues

    Intuitively, when I head that Rogues have Scheme, I just thought 'Social combat maneuver'. Starting a vicious rumors, Conning a mark, Bolstering the party's reputation etc.
  5. M

    What can I use instead of kobolds, goblins & orcs?

    Fight other humans/elves/dwarves. It's war! And you can choose not to make it too clear cut who is right and who is wrong.
  6. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    ''Must... Have... Cup!'' Hadrak moves forward without paying any heeds to his environment. Clearly, Eefaystos wants him to have that cup and so he has faith that things will just work out... In God we trust! Oh, and, yeah, it should be +13, not -13. So it's a 30.
  7. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    At long last updating. Been busy and while it takes a few minutes to post a turn it takes forever to update, especially when you let yourself get out of the 4e loop. Hey, have theme been introduced in L4E? And what's the maximum level we can get at with DM credit?
  8. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    I may need your help, Velmont. I no longer got access to DDI. Makes updating difficult. I pretty much abandoned 4e except for that one game so... D&D 5e can't get here soon enough!
  9. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    -''We do seem to keep walking into conflicts already underway of late, don't we? Just like with that dinosaur back on the other side of the pond. So yeah, Angels are not all nice, just servants of gods and godlike figure. For all we know, this one could be an angel of vengeance working for...
  10. M

    [Adventure] Path of Cold (DM: Velmont, Judge: Ozymandias79)

    -''Yeah, yeah, Carny, I see that dirty oil stain near the door. It does look a little like Raiyek. Can't we focus on more important things?'' whispers Hadrak to Incarnantion. ''My hands are free, let's fry that Goliath and get out of here!'' Suddenly, Hadrak invokes a bolt of searing light...
  11. M

    April 3rd, Rule of 3

    In 3e, anyone able to use a wand of cure light wound was a capable substitute healer. Even a rogue with a high charisma and a good Use Magic device would do in a pinch! 80% of healing occured between encounter anyway and nothing was more cost efficient than the wand of CLW.
  12. M

    April 3rd, Rule of 3

    Are you suggesting they start by designing, say, simulteneously 14 classes and 8 races? Trying to do everything at once would seem to me to be a terrible way to go about designing anything.
  13. M

    D&D 4E 4E combat and powers: How to keep the baby and not the bathwater?

    I will answer this objection with a quote from the designers of 5e. Here is the link to the entire rule of three entry from Wizards: Dungeons & Dragons Roleplaying Game Official Home Page - Article (Rule-of-Three: 03/06/2012) In other words, it doesn't matter that they don't work the same...
  14. M

    D&D 4E 4E combat and powers: How to keep the baby and not the bathwater?

    Lots of posts, did not read them all. Surely someone suggested what I am about to; The premise is that if some attacks are more powerful than others, they need some restriction otherwise they just become the default attack. 4e had an arbitray restrictions (daily, encounter), 5e should have...
  15. M

    Kill the fighter

    Ah, yes, the essentials. The crap that told me 4e was on its last legs a lot earlier than I had anticipated. And how many essentials were there to cover all classes, hmm? You fit this all in the PHB how? As dying throes go, I much prefered Combat Options and Player's Options during the last...