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Recent content by Magus Coeruleus

  1. Magus Coeruleus

    Stalker0's Obsidian Skill Challenge System (NEW VERSION: 1.2!!!)

    Try less hesitation with the downloading and more hesitation on making petty, useless posts. :hmm: To avoid making this post similarly worthless, let me take the opportunity to thank you again, Stalker0. In an ideal world you'd get your apostrophes right all the time but practically speaking...
  2. Magus Coeruleus

    Stalker0's Obsidian Skill Challenge System (NEW VERSION: 1.2!!!)

    I know this is far out there and tangential, but has anyone thought of using something along these lines as a replacement system for combat itself? That is, instead of tactical grid-based action-by-action combat a system based on a party's general tactics and the DM adjudicating DCs based on...
  3. Magus Coeruleus

    MS Word Monster Statblock

    Hope you didn't have to squint to bear looking at them ;). I chose those because red and green are already associated with encounter and at-will and I wanted to stick with primary colors, and chose yellow--the less distinguishable from white when printed--as the one for nonaction properties...
  4. Magus Coeruleus

    Level 4 wondrous item conversion

    You probably don't want to overcomplicate its function but there is so much fun you can have with this. I'm thinking what if instead of one geyser attack it continues to geyser forth once activated until either "turned off" or the user loses control. Loses control, you ask? How about every...
  5. Magus Coeruleus

    D&D 4E D&D 4E Tips/Tricks/Advice

    Things I do: Provide each player with a MS Word Character Sheet tailored to fast use with minimal book lookup, rather than character creation; it's easier to modify each time there is a change than to make the sheet generic. Create MS Word Statblocks for monsters and arrange them in a table...
  6. Magus Coeruleus

    MS Word Monster Statblock

    Hello again, As with my MS Word character sheets, I'm sharing my Monster Statblocks. originally, I intended and tried printing these to PDF and then printing multiple blocks per page for monster cards, but I found that shuffling monsters cards was actually worse for my organization at the game...
  7. Fyodoryll.jpg


  8. Magus Coeruleus

    NEW TRAPS article!

    That's why I'm thinking the best of both worlds may be to have an active check mod and a static passive DC for the trap. Sure, active trap vs. passive PCs means you'll normally never have a less perceptive character notice the trap while the more perceptive one doesn't, but that's true for all...
  9. Magus Coeruleus

    MS Word Character Sheet

    Hi all, I just want to share, in case others find it a useful jumping point, the character sheets I created for my players. These are NOT generic sheets with boxes and spaces. Nothing here autopopulates or calculates. This is not about crunching numbers to create a character but having a...
  10. Matvey (Human Rogue 2).jpg

    Matvey (Human Rogue 2).jpg

  11. Magus Coeruleus

    NEW TRAPS article!

    Fair enough. Of course some traps can be stand alone but those might be better as skill challenges. Still, when integrating traps and monsters I find it much more likely that I would my players would face monsters that would use traps to help ambush them, i.e. the trap is sprung and then...
  12. Magus Coeruleus

    Magus' Excel 2007 Initiative Tracker DM Tool

    Any particular requests? I don't use it to track conditions and all sorts of info like I think InitTool does (?) because I find it faster to do that with pencil, paper, tokens, etc. I pretty much use this for Initiative and for defense and skill stats on the players. If you have any...
  13. Magus Coeruleus

    NEW TRAPS article!

    With all due respect to those who like the PCs usually seeing the trap elements with Passive Perception, I just can't handle this. The DCs were shifted down too low with the errata/reworking for skill DCs, IMO. I can't call something "moderate" difficulty if you will succeed automatically with...
  14. Magus Coeruleus

    Sleeping in armor

    This sounds great to me. I'd avoid the part about another roll with another hour just because I don't want to derail the game with arguments about whether more time can be afforded. I'd say you take your chances and risk losing the surge, which cannot be restored until your next extended rest...
  15. Magus Coeruleus

    Magus' Excel 2007 Initiative Tracker DM Tool

    Thanks for doing this. Don't know if anyone else has interest in the file, regardless of version, but I'm enough of geek to enjoy this for its own sake. So I opened the file in Excel 2007 and it seems to work fine as expected. A question I have is, looking at the macro, how did you specify...