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Recent content by lyle.spade

  1. lyle.spade

    D&D (2024) The D&D Cartoon Heroes In The 2024 PHB

    This would have made a much better PHB cover than the other piece of art.
  2. lyle.spade

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    HA. Yeah...I can see so much of their art being the result of the dreaded committee...they have a too-long meeting, everyone feels like they need to add something, and when they all think, finally, they're going to be done, someone else brings up "but what about Dragonborn??" and another hour of...
  3. lyle.spade

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    Great idea - it'd be original, at this point.
  4. lyle.spade

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    When everything is awesome, when every battle or scene is epic...it's all boring. DnD art has been striving for AWESOMELY WORLD-SHAKING ACTION!!!! for the last two editions so hard that it's not at all remarkable anymore.
  5. lyle.spade

    ICv2 Reports Disappointing Year For Hobby Games Channel: TTRPGs Down, D&D Declines 30%

    Good points, and yet the company isn't helping the issue by pushing more things online. Consumers will go where stuff is cheap, but given WOTC's dominance of the market, they could choose to better support FLGSs; instead, their move to perhaps all or mostly digital is a huge middle finger to them.
  6. lyle.spade

    ICv2 Reports Disappointing Year For Hobby Games Channel: TTRPGs Down, D&D Declines 30%

    I wonder what share of FLGS RPG sales are books as compared to minis and other accessories. WOTC, by going more and more digital, is actually at least partially responsible for killing the physical stores that have served the community since the beginning. But all WOTC cares about is money, and...
  7. lyle.spade

    Crown and Skull: An Interview with Runehammer

    Thanks - details are helpful! :)
  8. lyle.spade

    Crown and Skull: An Interview with Runehammer

    I wish the game author would have provided some actual details about the system. I started reading, interested in learning something about the world and system, and came away with virtuality nothing but the game designer's conclusions, rather than any description.
  9. lyle.spade

    Colonial Gothic: An Interview with Richard G. Iorio

    I like that a lot. Who knows what he brought back from all those years in France...
  10. lyle.spade

    Colonial Gothic: An Interview with Richard G. Iorio

    Thank you. The setting is rich, in large part because the real-world backdrop is rich, and far more detailed and varied and interesting than most people realize. You know, I think the Federalist Papers might have had a spell or something like that woven into their words...yeah. Probably did...an...
  11. lyle.spade

    Colonial Gothic: An Interview with Richard G. Iorio

    I picked up digital version of a heap of these books years ago and found a lot to like in them, although the system at the time seemed a little counterintuitive and confusing. An updated version interests me...the period, and the author's knowledge of it and use of historical fact to anchor the...
  12. lyle.spade

    Ben Riggs: 'The Golden Age of TTRPGs is Dead'

    I read "Slaying the Dragon" after having read the far more detailed, far better sourced and supported, "Game Wizards: The Epic Battle for Dungeons and Dragons." Riggs writes with a breezy sense of received knowledge, occasionally trading in conclusions that are poorly-supported and reasoned. His...
  13. lyle.spade

    GMing with Joy: Long Term Gamemastering

    I look forward to them!
  14. lyle.spade

    GMing with Joy: Long Term Gamemastering

    Well put; thoughtful; thank you. I am the Forever GM, too, and by choice. I enjoy it more than playing, even with all the additional work it entails. I think your recommendation to start small - promise a few sessions, or what I would call a "short arc" and then see where it goes from there...
  15. lyle.spade

    Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before By Yourself

    The rules are quite simple but like many of the line's books, they are not sequenced well. There are a great many details spread around the chapters. That said, it works well in play if you keep in mind that it's highly narrative and low on prescriptions. If you're lost while playing, ask...