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Recent content by lordbasl

  1. L

    The Online Prize Patrol -- Grand Winner Announced!

    must...participate I'm in!
  2. L

    Names of Taverns, Bars, and Inns

    Partying with the Inn Crowd In my Traveller game, I had a chain of seedy starport taverns called "Godowns" --- it was the kind of place where illicit adventure-seed deals deals would "go down." Think Tatoonie Cantina. In an old Cyberpunk 2020 game, there was a club called "Arnie's" where all...
  3. L

    urban festival session - advice?

    Very good distillation of my own experience with festival adventures. As a DM I love running this kind of adventure - I try to run at least one every game year, and not for the same holiday. A couple of game years ago I ran an adventure combining the local Yearend winter solstice / holiday...
  4. L

    The nation of They

    Why not a nation of Them as opposed to Thay? Of course, it's easy to imagine a paranoid PC worried that They are after him....
  5. L

    Thieves’ cant?

    Rhyming slang...kind of like Hip Hop...This has possibilities.
  6. L

    Need stats for a disease not in the SRD: Rabies

    I'll go with the stats as listed and give the afflictiion a different name.
  7. L

    Overwelmed and in need of assistance

    Why not start small with a homebrew where you steal the best from FR, DL, Eberron, Grayhawk, KoK, real-world history, middle-earth, Glorantha, Empire of the Petal Throne, Traveller and Arduin? You need start with a village in a remote area, with a wilderness or other frontier nearby. That's...
  8. L

    Need stats for a disease not in the SRD: Rabies

    Wow...just what I was looking for! Wide range of very good ideas here. The consensus seems to be something like this: Injury, DC 18, 3d10 days / 1d3 weeks, 1d3 Wisdom with secondary effects, uncurable without magical curing / technology or an epic-level Heal check. The secondary effects -- I...
  9. L

    Need stats for a disease not in the SRD: Rabies

    I checked the SRD and MSRD -- no specs for rabies. I have plans for my PCs to encounter a pair of rabid badgers (yes, I NEED the steenkin badgers). In addition, one of the players is running one of the Tosti from that Secrets of the Squirrel PDF she bought, so I am thinking her people, being...
  10. L

    Traveller: which is best?

    MT or TNE? I'm a TNE fan all the way. MegaTraveller has the most fan support and is the version most played by the denixens of the infamous Traveller Mailing List, but I was as put off by the Imperium and its dissolution as the TNE detractors were by the AI Virus. MT's closer to Original...
  11. L

    activities unique to your game

    I usually do an after-action report on any session. Makes me a better DM and the players better players. I'm definitily going to try the "vote for best roleplayer" bit. How much extry XP do you grant? I'm thinking of going variable with this: if the player is just a few xp short of levelling...
  12. L

    activities unique to your game

    Hey, I *love* puns. Rewarding the players lets them carry the load and entertain me right back as I run game and entertain them. As a player, I pun all the time, too. My DM loves it:)
  13. L

    Reputation (B*stard DM) + 2?

    My reputation: Gives good roleplay: +4 Killer DM: +1 Mad Plotter: +3 Twisted and strange creatures: +2 Entertaining: Campaign six years and running, playing with same core group for almost ten years, had waiting lists of players wanting to play in my game when it was weekly. Tactician +1
  14. L

    Game Calendar. Do you have one?

    Tarril, if you're gonna borrow good ideas, only borrow the best ones, right? My players like the depth of mine as well. I bet they also love it when they ask an off-the-wall question that you have never even considered, and you can come up with a world-congruent answer because you've...
  15. L

    recommend some good, non-gaming magazines

    And what modern GM can forget... Soldier of Fortune! I used it to run Twilight:2000 back in the late 80s.