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Recent content by Langy

  1. L

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    I'm sorry, what? Why would anyone give a naughty word what Stuart Franklin cared when this was just a real-life event that they happened to photograph instead of something they set up? This isn't a fictional person that Stuart Franklin has any sort of ownership over. This was an actual person protesting...
  2. L

    Level Up (A5E) Eldritch Scythe+ maneuvers?

    I think the confusion might be: "I use the Attack action and use one of these maneuvers, which includes a melee weapon attack. Eldritch Scythe lets me replace a melee weapon attack with an Eldritch Scythe attack, so I do that, which makes it so the maneuver now is using a melee spell attack even...
  3. L

    Level Up (A5E) Warlock scythe extra attack

    The Dread Knight archetype in GPG seems to provide a lot of benefit for a melee lock with the introduction of martial maneuvers. The enhanced Find Steed they get at 6th level can help a bit with the glass part of the glass cannon.
  4. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    I don't think the jury trial waiver is the part that people are mostly injecting to buy the waiver of any right to class or joint actions. Yeah, it may be "standard", but it also tilts the balance even further towards Hasbro.
  5. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    Reasons they'd probably say no: It's expensive to do so. It's not something they already do or similar to something they already do. Why would they agree? Now, if you just made the clause "Anyone who is a member of a recognized hate group by the SPLC is not allowed to publish under this...
  6. L

    I think I know how the morality clause acceptable(+)

    That's why I'm fine with WOTC making the initial decision, but as-is the morality clause means WOTC can terminate any license for any reason at any time. Just because they put that bit under a heading labeled 'Hateful content' doesn't mean it's restricted to being about WOTC's values or hateful...
  7. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    I don't think you could get the SPLC to agree to do so, and you certainly shouldn't put that in the contract (especially not without their approval). I don't like putting specific third party organizations into the contract for the simple reason that those organizations can change or go away...
  8. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    Sure. Sections 6(f) combined with 7(b)(i) Because WOTC retains sole right to decide what conduct or content is hateful and you agree not to contest any such determination with any legal action and WOTC retains the right to immediately terminate a license if they deem you have engaged in...
  9. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    Define terms like 'harmful', 'hateful', etc. Remove the "you cannot appeal any of our decisions" clause and add in a clause about how if you appeal and win WOTC will pay all legal fees and if you appeal and fail you will pay all legal fees. Potentially also include a standard arbitration clause...
  10. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    No, that's absolutely something they are making up. The intent of that clause (as explained by the author) was to distinguish authorized OGLs versus draft copies that were never released. There is no method for deauthorization in the OGL, and thus there is no way to deauthorize them.
  11. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    I want to be clear here: As written, WOTC is trying to prevent Level Up and Pathfinder from publishing anything. WOTC explicitly has stated that their goal with this change is to prevent competitors, and since WOTC is giving themselves unchecked veto authority over any products released, and...
  12. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    How? As written, it means the license gives effectively no protection over anything. With this license, WOTC can revoke it at any time for any reason to prevent you from publishing or continuing to sell any product you make.
  13. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    I'm curious - did you notice the "WOTC can revoke this license at any time for any reason and you give up your right to object in any way" language? This, as written, seems worse than the leaked OGLv1.1 to me.
  14. L

    I think I know how the morality clause acceptable(+)

    The "morality clause" needs a third-party arbitration clause and general "harmful" content needs to either be defined or removed ('harmful to our profits!' is still harmful).
  15. L

    WotC Unveils Draft of New Open Gaming License

    They can claim as such as much as they want, but the fact is that their argument that the OGL can be revoked at will and it's good and ethical and righteous to do so is horseshit. The OGL was understood at the time to be non-revokable, and it uses the same language as GPLv2. WOTC has no special...