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Recent content by Kaleva

  1. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Kaleva waits expectantly to see how the baker responds to Arthur's question. The man still has not answered his repeated question.
  2. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Kaleva moves to interpose himself between the pie and the baker. What is going on? He asks with exasperation. This is the reason you hired us! With a glance towards the dogs being loaded onto the wheel barrow, he then looks quizically from the pie to the baker.
  3. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Sir, this is precisely the reason that you hired us. You told us originally that you have had problems in the past with things becoming too unruly. What have we done wrong or what has changed?
  4. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Kaleva can't hit a 23 either.
  5. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 "Thank you, that is agreeable. I will give you the one piece of silver now, and the second when we meet at the Red Dragon Inn." Once everything has been arranged with the short, thin man, Kaleva returns to the cab and his companions, and once everybody in order...
  6. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 OOC: Rae, you did an excellent job parsing my previous post and summarizing my intentions so well. IC: After healing the wounded dog and stabilizing its health, Kaleva moves to the second injured dog, and uttering a praise to Chennet' lays his hand upon its injured...
  7. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 I don't know. Kaleva isn't really forceful enough just to say to another person "Here take this pie." But at the same time I didn't just want to say that he passed the pie to one of his companions. For me, it is good enough that Kaleva hands over the pie to Arthur...
  8. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Kaleva tries to pass the pie to one of his companions, but if they do not recognize his body language, he will place the pie down within the cab. He will then visit the bleeding dog and cast "Cure Minor Wounds" to stabilize the dog. He will then check on the first...
  9. K

    Discussion - General Discussion Thread 2010-17

    I have been interested in started an adventure. What party level would be best?
  10. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Kaleva holds the pie to Kalli, "Please take the pie." Kaleva looks over the scene and the change in atmosphere. "We need to leave quickly, but I want the opportunity to tend to these unfortunate creatures." If one of his companions takes custody of the pie, Kaleva...
  11. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 Cradling the pie gently in his arms, Kaleva looking around quickly to see if there are any lingering dangers. When none present themselves, he urges to coachman, "Please try to calm the horses, and stop the cab."
  12. K

    Discussion - General Discussion Thread 2010-17

    Registering can be a hassle. But what do you mean let the players start their own quests? Dp you mean not having to receive approval for an adventure before presenting and running it?
  13. K

    Geography around Orussus

    I am considering submitting an adventure and I have question about the geography around Orussus. I have found a very nice map of the surrounding area at the Enworld Wiki. It appears that the Orussus is at the tip of Elbereth sound and that there are several large islands at the mouth of the...
  14. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 I am interested in continuing as well. AS for LEW. Is the problem really a lack of players, or a lack of DMs? I thought about submitting an adventure to sort of pay back the community. Maybe I should go ahead and do so.
  15. K

    Edwyd's Pie Parade Brigade II [DM: Rae] [Judge: Trouvere]

    Kaleva, Cloistered Cleric 1 I am still here