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Recent content by Kahuna Burger

  1. Kahuna Burger

    Gygax doesn't matter?

    Unfortunately, the fact that a point can be used abusively does not mean that the point is always abusive. By giving it a name as an internet fallacy, you are being just as dismissive as you accuse Pawsplay of being. Frankly, it can be quite awkward to deal with a poster you otherwise have no...
  2. Kahuna Burger

    D&D 4E 4E sceptics - what do you like?

    I like the idea of giving humans a niche, rather than having them be everything, with niched humanoids. I like non rolled stats and hp.
  3. Kahuna Burger

    Trip is an Encounter Power now

    After reading through this, I've realized something important - I like tripping. I like tripping and disarming and tanglefoot bagging and grease spells, and it doesn't get monotonous when I play a "trip monkey" character, because it's really a "support monkey" who uses combinations of all of the...
  4. Kahuna Burger

    Your choices are Kill, or ... Kill

    This would be one way of doing it, and if 4e takes the abstractness seriously and builds from it, it is what they might do. But if they have (for instance) whips which can only do non lethal damage at any point in the fight (as opposed to being unable to deliver a killing blow and even that I'm...
  5. Kahuna Burger

    Chronicles of Prydain - Has anyone ever based a campaign on it?

    One part of the books I often find myself remembering in D&D discussions is when Taren (sp?) gets a necklace which makes him wiser and more insightful. It has a profound impact on him, and when he has to give it up he is depressed at the loss. The casual adding and removing pluses from stat...
  6. Kahuna Burger

    Your choices are Kill, or ... Kill

    Well, I agree, but then abstract "you might not have actually taken any damage" fireballs seem equally stupid. ;) Hrm, a non lethal fireball - a flashburn so sudden and intense that it doesn't do anything but surface damage to people or objects, but temporarily burns off all the oxygen and...
  7. Kahuna Burger

    Your choices are Kill, or ... Kill

    Against an equal or higher level foe, sure. But the OP explicitly addressed that. There's no particular need to be "fair" with how you deal with someone that the PCs could kill outright but don't want to. Fair in that case is having options. The increased focus on "abstract" hp and conviction...
  8. Kahuna Burger

    D&D 4E 4e Healing as Plot Device

    Oh, and to the OP, I think that integrating wacky rules artifacts as actual plot background can be a good idea. (If, that is, the wacky rules artifact is something you decide is worth the effort of explaining over the effort of removing.)
  9. Kahuna Burger

    D&D 4E 4e Healing as Plot Device

    Let's not be crazy here - if someone repeats something three or more times in one post while taking on a condescending tone and referring to themselves as an authority figure, it must be so! :uhoh:
  10. Kahuna Burger

    D&D 4E 4e Healing as Plot Device

    Additionally, in 3e at least, there are several mechanics which simply don't work unless hp loss is physical damage (in at least those cases). After a battle where those mechanics have been heavily in play, you can sing "la la there isn't any physical damage" all you want but it will make even...
  11. Kahuna Burger

    What questions are on an exam on RPGs?

    What is the minimum number of people needed to play an rpg? List 3 rpg systems with a setting or metasetting and 3 for which the core rulebook provides no default setting or genre (not all must be in print currently, but all must have been print products.) Give two examples of randomizing...
  12. Kahuna Burger

    Tactical Boardgame?

    I think this is an interesting point, but I don't want to totally derail the thread with discussion of it. My gut feeling is that the more tactical combat is, and the less forgiving of error, the more this disconnect will take place. 4e may be more tactical in the movement powers, but also more...
  13. Kahuna Burger

    Tactical Boardgame?

    While this make sense, I don't see the point of criticizing people for judging the new edition based on an experience basically designed for them to judge the new edition... I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but the point of the event was "Try out 4e! Play it now!" right? So if* the people didn't...
  14. Kahuna Burger

    How do you create setting maps if you can't draw?

    I've used a topography map and either raised or lowered coastlines.
  15. Kahuna Burger

    Camping: It does a body good!

    If I was going to go that route, I'd skip the tea and make it hedge magic. Mostly because I like the idea of magic that everyone can use for little things that also happens to smooth over "reality" gaps. (Why don't I ever worry about 'monthly issues' for my female characters? Because every...