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Recent content by jontherev

  1. J

    D&D 5E [GUIDE] Arrive on Time - A General Guide to Wizardry

    Nice guide, thanks for the effort. The flaming sphere + pyrotechnics trick doesn't work now since xanathar's changed pyrotechnics to only affect a NONmagical flame...so it won't affect the flaming sphere at all.
  2. J

    Warlord equipment advice

    Thirded (I already mentioned it ;) ). The only possible issue with the artifact version (you can get a non-artifact version as well) is that it is a longspear. I think that is an oversight though, because this came out before the stats for the greatspear existed. Cool DM's would change this...
  3. J

    Warlord equipment advice

    Well, the key is using a +3 proficiency weapon. Not sure why you're so hung up on using a heavy thrown weapon, but if that's non-negotiable, then I don't think you'll satisfy both of these conditions. I might be wrong, but I don't think there's a heavy thrown +3 proficiency weapon available...
  4. J

    Warlord for Dummies

    Some basic rules: 1. Always bump strength no matter what. Most of your powers are not about damage, but rather to boost your allies (indirect damage). That means that you need to hit to make use of those effects. I started with a 16 strength on my TacLord because I wanted 4 good stats...
  5. J

    Challenge my players!

    Oh, I just thought of a really cool idea (to me anyway). Time Travel. Think back during your campaign to a time where your players either missed something, or just come up with a good reason for them to go back in time. Perhaps they missed a secret door at 3rd level? Make sure it makes sense...
  6. J

    Challenge my players!

    Long fights are boring. I second (or third) throwing more time limits at them. If they have to go through 8 encounters in one day, they are going to go through their surges at some point, but you get to have a bunch of encounters, so it's not boring. I HATE long drawn out battles where you...
  7. J

    Save my Warlord

    Are you from Impiltur (FR)? If so, there's an awesome feat that lets you roll twice on your intimidate check (sorry, I'm forgetting the name). My 9th level TacLord LOVES using this power, although it is situational (plus you pretty much have to speak the language & sometimes the DM simply...
  8. J

    Power of Skill - is it as broken as I think it is?

    So, instead of having one cool domain power, your campaign will have none? I think most of the domain powers and feats are rather lackluster and not worth taking. So, having a pretty decent power that IS worth taking, but is also not overly powerful, makes the game more interesting imo. Just...
  9. J

    Opportunity Attacks question

    True, but only if you hit; otherwise, he's not marked. But, since it's an encounter, this isn't a big deal. Good point. I'm still not sure this is better than Warlord's Favor or Hammer and Anvil. Time will tell.
  10. J

    Opportunity Attacks question

    Well, I did say NEARLY worthless... So far, I've only used the power once, and stupidly used it on a dazed and prone enemy (a little desperation to finish him off on my part). Even more stupid was that the cleric used command before the creature's turn and slid him away from 4 allies who...
  11. J

    Opportunity Attacks question

    Specifically, I'm asking this about the Warlord power Diabolic Stratagem from Dragon 369. Is the enemy always aware that he is going to provoke opportunity attacks if he does a certain action...specifically about the above power. For those that don't have access to Dragon...basically after...
  12. J

    Reach Weapons for a Warlord (Resourceful)

    I'm pretty much in the opposite boat as you. I started using a maul, then briefly switched to Mordenkrad because I was sticking with hammers...and then decided at 4th level to switch to GreatSpear. I can't say enough good things about having reach, plus the additional +1 to hit for Greatspear...
  13. J

    Power Cards for whining players or DMs

    Thanks, I'll try that if I have a need to. BTW, just created a new card called, "That's Unnatural Stoppage!", which is something one of our players yelled out spontaneously one evening when I was DMing our last 3.5 campaign. He was *trying* to roll his dice and was shaking them around when...
  14. J

    Power Cards for whining players or DMs

    Ok, here's the rar file if you'd rather view it in mse than word.
  15. J

    Power Cards for whining players or DMs

    There should be five of them. I just downloaded it myself and they are all there. I will try to uploaded the mse-set, but I'm not sure if my trial version of winrar is still working and I don't have a website to upload it to. If there's an easier way to do this, let me know. Your idea could...