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Recent content by Joe Pilkus

  1. J

    Philadelphia by Night Brings the 1800s to Vampire: The Masquerade

    As a native Philadelphian who has returned to the city after many years away ~ service in the Air Force and time with the Department of Justice in D.C. I'd love to see the maps and how the author treats this magnificent city.
  2. J

    D&D 5E Glory of the Giants' AI-Enhanced Art

    I'm honestly intrigued by the entire conversation, but would certainly not prevent myself from purchasing anything that had AI artwork if I genuinely appreciated the artwork. While I'm certainly sensitive to "creatives" as I'm a board game developer and my daughter is a professional stage...
  3. J

    Worlds of Design: The Plight of the New RPG—Quality of Writing

    This is an excellent article! I've served more than a dozen different board game publishers and indie-designers over the past 12 years as a professional editor/proofreader. It's a time-consuming task, but one that I very much enjoy as I love board games. It's also nice that I can perform this...
  4. J

    Worlds of Design: The Plight of the New RPG—Quality of Writing

    Great article! In the nascent days of my company, Professor's Lab, I focused almost exclusively on proofreading & editing. Later, I added the twin arrows of design analysis and playtesting to my development quiver. What I found, 80% (or more) of the time designers were the ones penning the...
  5. J

    Worlds of Design: The Destination, Not the Journey?

    I've DM'd for nearly four decades and I remember my players wanting to advance quickly to receive more hit points...only to face things that were much stronger, as well. I've enjoyed my plays of 5th edition but my heart and soul for D&D rests with 3.5 as it includes about a dozen items that we...
  6. J

    D&D 5E How do you determine your initial Attributes?

    I have my players roll 4d6, twelve times, dropping the lowest number from each of the twelve rolls; select the highest six rolls. I don't know what people mean by "none of the above" ~ do they just make up numbers :)
  7. J

    D&D 5E How do you determine your initial Attributes?

    It's rolled for me...I'm not sure what people mean by "none of them" ~do they just make up numbers? You roll 4d6 twelve times, dropping the lowest rolled number for each of the 12 rolls; select the best six scores
  8. J

    Worlds of Design: To Move or Not to a New Edition?

    While I've played 5th Edition and certainly appreciate what the writers and designers have created, I'll stick with 3.5 as it has the "crunch" which I absolutely love and it incorporated many of the ideas which we house ruled, a few decades before, including pushing bonuses down to 12s and 13s...
  9. J

    Worlds of Design: Games vs. Novels - Part 2

    Dr. P., As always, it's a pleasure to read your articles. This is a conversation I've had on-and-off for the past several decades with friends with whom I've played or served as a DM (or GM) myriad RPGs, from D&D to Boot Hill; Star Frontiers; Traveller; Serenity; Mercenaries, Spies, and...
  10. J

    Worlds of Design: Game Design Rules of Thumb - Part 1

    "No rules survive first contact with players" This is my take on Helmut Von Moltke the Elder's military axiom. In essence, playtest your game, but you must also know when enough is enough and get it out the door. Even after hundreds of playtests, they are no match for the thousand...
  11. J

    Worlds of Design: What Defines a RPG?

    Great piece and I wholeheartedly agree with the main points and it sparked some interesting, if unexpected, discussion. As an RPG player for four decades you cite those elements that I find most appealing. Earlier, zarionofarabel mentions Traveller and in the original version, for which Marc...
  12. J

    TSR TSR's Amazing Accounting Department

    The insights of that time are quite interesting. As we were merrily playing D&D, we had no idea of the inanity going-on behind the scenes
  13. J

    TSR TSR's Amazing Accounting Department

    The insights of that time are quite interesting. As we were merrily playing D&D, we had no idea of the inanity going-on behind the scenes
  14. J

    D&D 3E/3.5 Jonathan Tweet: Prologue to Third Edition

    Interestingly, when 3 and subsequently 3.5 came out, I found no less than a dozen aspects of the game that we had house ruled back in the late 80s/early 90s, which became canon so many years later, including combining like-types of weapons, Bonus spells for High Intelligence, akin to the...