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Recent content by jabelincoln

  1. J

    Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

    That's a great example of why I'm wrestling with this. I want very much to keep the weird planar flavor of this strangely wound web of magic, but not at the expense of too much player creativity. Also I'm not terribly great at memorizing all the specific changes across planes so on a...
  2. J

    D&D 5E The Multiverse is back....

    But has not the PS setting, and the creatures within changed in significant ways all along its progress? Yes, I will grant you that the Great Wheel as a concept has been basically the same since 1e's Manual of the Planes, however, inside that concept things have swung wildly. Factions have...
  3. J

    Planescape Planescape: Fantasy Taken to the Edge (5e conversion)

    Thanks to Quickleaf and others for getting this ball rolling. I too am eagerly prepping for a 5e planescape game I'll be running after the MM comes out, already have players lined up. I've been gleefully reading through all my old material, and the thing I've been pondering the most is spell...
  4. J

    D&D 5E The Multiverse is back....

    Full disclosure: I've been a giant Planescape fan since it's inception, or even before as I was fascinated by 1e's Manual of the Planes and Deities and Demigods. So with that admitted, let me say I don't understand what the problem with references to an assumed cosmology in monster and other...
  5. J

    Planescape Help with Planescape minutia

    Thanks! I especially liked the idea about a guide, and then that got me thinking about how well a secretly corrupt angel would work for this story, and then that got me thinking about . . . Any way, you see where this is going. 'Preciate everything. Cheers
  6. J

    Planescape Help with Planescape minutia

    Hey all, So I'm planning on running my first 5e game, and I'll be going back to my favorite setting of Planescape. The first part of the game will end up focusing heavily on a conflict between Baator and Mount Celestia, the player's will end up spending significant amounts of time in the...