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Recent content by Heckler

  1. H

    Seeking players in Cincinnati

    We have a Pathfinder game in need of one or two more players. Game is located in the Clifton area of Cincinnati (near UC). We normally meet around 6 o'clock on Friday nights and play til around midnight-ish. Game may run every week or every other week, depending on player availability. If...
  2. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    ooc: I guess I wasn't as clear as I thought. I meant to assume you waited for the spells to end. Either way, that's where we are now. The party is healthy, with the exception of Rinaldo, who is only down 1 hp. With all the immediate dangers gone, Rinaldo takes to a careful search of the...
  3. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    Hogarth lashes out at the efreeti, connecting once. Ashnar tries disspelling the Wall of Fire, failing. "Let's make this quick," Charlarn taunts. His first swing strikes true as fells the firey giant. Hanthar disappears in a wave of smoke and flame. However, the flames from the efreeti's...
  4. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    Erekose: OK, I missed the Pro. from Fire you cast on yourself. But what is the Protective Ward Charlarn is referring to? Slagmortar: Sure, go for it.
  5. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    Hogarth steps forward, pinning the efreeti in the corner, and strikes him for 9 damage. Ashnar repositions herself and lets fly with a Lightning Bolt. Hanthar is more agile than he looks, sidestepping the lightning for 12 damage. Charlarn advances through the Wall of Fire and onto the...
  6. H

    Elegant Rules (Forked From: Inconsistant/Arbitrary rules...)

    But what if I don't fall? What if I step into lava, or dive headfirst?
  7. H

    IVV1: The Forgotten Map [orsal judging]

    ooc: sounds good to me.
  8. H

    Tavern - City of Orussus, The Red Dragon Inn '08

    The door opens again, and a half-elven woman enters the inn, the wind blowing her long red hair wildly about. "Rinya Starflower, I track things down and kill them," she announces gruffly. Spying Richard at the bar she goes to him. "Richard, look at what I found! A chain shirt made from...
  9. H

    IVV1: The Forgotten Map [orsal judging]

    ooc: I can't think of anything. I do want to get rid of this lizard before he wakes up, though.:D
  10. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    Tenebrynn's dispel doesn't have any noticable effect. The efreeti responds by throwing a quickened scorching ray at Hogarth (I think a 30 should hit his touch AC, for 9 points of fire damage). The efreeti then gestures and a sheet of flames crosses the room, engulfing Rinaldo and Ashnar, and...
  11. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    ooc: Are you doing a targeted dispel on the efreeti, or an area dispel centered on him? Dispel Magic
  12. H

    GM1: Bizarre Bazaar

    Sense Motive 1d20+4=22 "Our bad luck, I guess. Oh well, we've other things we need to be attending to." ooc: I just realized when I checked my CS that I have Dwarven as a language. Can I make anything of it?
  13. H

    IVV1: The Forgotten Map [orsal judging]

    "Tend to the wounded, including the lizard. Then put him in the cage." Babette watches the other lizard in case he decides to come back.
  14. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    ooc: What are you targeting? Or are you doing an area dispel on the efreeti?
  15. H

    The Lion's 2nd Face[Covaithe judging]

    I think we're stuck waiting for each other so let me get things started. It looks like you guys are ready to attack as soon as Charlarn casts his Invisibility Purge; and the efreeti is waiting for you to start something so I can't give you a suprise round. I will, however, give you guys a +2...