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Recent content by Gort

  1. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Help Making Gears of Revolution AP More Leftist?

    I kinda flipped it on its head. The scene was a worker's revolt, trying to rescue fellow workers from one of the factory lock-ins that happened in an earlier adventure. The workers were opposed by a Pinkerton-like strikebreaker force, and it was this force that became the hivemind. Picture a...
  2. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Zeitvice: one GM's guide to the best AP

    My group's just starting the last two adventures now. Any tips on making the ending of the campaign land well? They pretty much got the "good" ending for Ber, Drakr and Crissilyir, so the world's doing about as well as could be expected. At the start of Adventure 12 it mentions that Rock...
  3. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Resurrection in Zeitgeist Adventure Path

    I just removed death (and limb-loss and other dismemberment, incidentally, which 4e doesn't have rules for) from my campaign. Someone who "dies" is knocked out and captured, or left for dead, barely alive.
  4. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Zeitvice: one GM's guide to the best AP

    I wish I'd read this before I started running the AP. I'd love to see some stuff for Act 3.
  5. Gort

    ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] Pathfinder 2e Conversion [Work in Progress]

    I admit I never played Pathfinder, but doesn't stuff like Vorpal weapons and the Regenerate spell count? In 4e Vorpal just does a lot of damage on a critical, and there's no need for regeneration since no effects cut bits off, so it doesn't exist.
  6. Gort

    ZEITGEIST [ZEITGEIST] Pathfinder 2e Conversion [Work in Progress]

    Huh, was Zeitgeist written for 4e then converted to Pathfinder? I had assumed it was the other way around due to the monsters and items that cut limbs off, which isn't something 4e has rules for.
  7. Gort

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    Ahh, that explains it. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. Gort

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    What's with the languages? My Zeitgeist books (4e) say Risuri speak Primordial, Drakrans speak Dwarven, Berans speak Giant and Goblin and so on, but the character builder files have a bunch of languages I've never seen like "Riord". Did something change somewhere in publication?
  9. Gort

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    Thanks! The Logos paragon path prerequisite doesn't include the "or trained in Diplomacy and History" section one of my players is using - maybe I'll try learning the tools and updating it.
  10. Gort

    ZEITGEIST ZEITGEIST in legacy character builder

    I'm also interested in this.
  11. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Zetgeist 4e: How Many Players

    Yeah, for my party it feels about right. It varies from player to player, but they don't optimise that hard.
  12. Gort

    ZEITGEIST Zetgeist 4e: How Many Players

    I've been running with only three party members. I've usually been dropping the equivalent of two standard monsters from each encounter (so a five-monster encounter becomes three monsters) and reducing all solo monsters to 60% of their normal hitpoints.
  13. Gort


    Fair enough. Good to know I've got all the latest rules.
  14. Gort


    Just resurrecting the thread to ask: Is the 4e errata for Zeitgeist available anywhere?
  15. Gort

    Something Awful leak.

    *Shrug* in my 4e game we had one A4 sheet with the conditions written on it. Pulled it out about once every three sessions, when unusual conditions came up, like "restrained". Play enough sessions and you'll know all the common conditions off by heart pretty quickly.