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Recent content by Glade Riven

  1. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    I, for one, look forward to both C7D20 and Project Black Flag. Personally, I'm starting to think that this was all kicked into gear by an executive at WotC that thought they could create an easy win by bullying the 3rd party players to make the upcoming Hasbro Financials look better rather than...
  2. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    Creative Commons is a stronger, irrevocable license and since they've published it, no backsies.
  3. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    In a post-Spiderman: No Way Home paradigm. Or Top Gun. Or Avatar 2: Way of Water. All the movies that failed to break a billion were greenlit under Iger. Who is now back in charge? Which is weird. Again, you don't replace your CEO on a Sunday. Ever. Except this one time, by Disney. This also...
  4. Glade Riven

    D&D General DMing Hard Stop

    I've killed campaigns where I wasn't having fun being the DM. Particularly a Star Wars one. My players knew too much about Star Wars and while they were all having fun, I was having a problem surprising them.
  5. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    Spiderman was a hit but it's Sony produced, so it's not pure Disney profits. And Sauce. The man is a financial analyst and brings the receipts. Yes, world wide marketing often costs as much as the movie to make because marketing has gotten a lot more expensive in the last few years. Part of it...
  6. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    Avatar 2: $2B and counting - The only real hit they've had because never bet against James Cameron. Also he's still working under an older 21st Century Fox contract and has more independence than other Disney-owned production teams. Doc Strange 2: $955MM - Made money, barely due to marketing...
  7. Glade Riven

    Beholders, Mind Flayers, and Strahd von Zarovich Released Into Creative Commons (Kinda)

    You can still claim trademark without registering it. Hasbro actually does that a lot with logos on their toy packaging, because the registration process would slow product development time and sometimes packaging is edited last second for reasons (usually error correction). And it's not worth...
  8. Glade Riven

    It is time to forgive WOTC and get back onboard.

    IDK, I've know people who survive only out of sheer spite... I will judge current and new product on it's own merits, and how they handle OneD&D. And OneD&D may still have a more closed license for SRD 5.2 or 6.0 or something, which is actually fine. For 3rd Edition, there was the OGL SRD, but...
  9. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    Um, okay, we won? Wow. So...OGL 1.0a isn't revoked, now, but it's kinda dead for 5e because Creative Commons Attribution is a better, stronger license. Neat. Sorry, still in a bit of shock.
  10. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    You are over-thinking it. There is a difference between needs and wants. I want D&D, but I don't need D&D. I can walk away, like I've walked away from Star Wars and Star Trek. That's the power I have as a consumer. If I don't like what they are doing, I vote with my wallet.
  11. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    They want to use the threat of a lawsuit but it's pretty obvious they really, really don't want to end up in court over the OGL (which is why they keep including "you can't sue" language).
  12. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    If you don't respect your customer base you quickly find you don't have much of a customer base. Understanding is part of it. A lot of people at Wizards do understand - the problem is the executives brought in the last 5-ish years. They don't seem to understand what business they are in...
  13. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine. How's Disney doing? Not that well. Self-inflicted wounds and all that. Alone, I'm a drop in the ocean, but in the pursuit of new audiences there is no guarantee they are going to show up. I don't need to put my money into Star Wars. Or Marvel. Or Dungeons...
  14. Glade Riven

    Matt Colville weighs in.

    Proud to be a 3.5 Grognard.
  15. Glade Riven

    1.0a is effectively dead even if Wizards backs down, but it is still important to fight for it.

    One way or another, 1.0a will effectively be sunset. Even if it isn't deauthorized, would you trust Wizards of the Coast again? I wouldn't. And SRD 5.2 or 6.0 or whatever they call the OneDnD SRD will have a new license regardless. But I'd argue that it's still important to fight for it. And...