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Recent content by gfunk

  1. G

    JollyDoc's Kingmaker-Updated 7/4/2011

    Thought I'd drop a note and say hello. I was recently re-reading our old SHs including City of the Spider Queen, Bastion of Broken Souls, Shackled City, Age of Worms, and Savage Tide. Gaming with you guys was definitely one of the most enjoyable times of my life. Pity I had to move out of...
  2. G

    JollyDoc's Rise of the Runelords...Updated 12/22

    True, true. However, at the same time we as players don't want to feel like Joe had to 'fudge' for us to lose. *cough*Kyuss*cough* ;)
  3. G

    JollyDoc's Rise of the Runelords...Updated 12/22

    This sounds like an awesome rule. It will really ramp up the tension at higher levels.
  4. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Rich, that epilogue was truly a delight to read. The precedent for heroines turning bad at the end of campaigns is certainly present (wink, wink) but the irony of Mandi's ultimate decision was delicious. Still she stayed honorable (at least to Lavinia) which was a nice touch. The best part of...
  5. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    That would be awesome . . . Entropy opens up a portal to the Far Realms and turns FR into a MMORPG.
  6. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    SCAP turned out to be a fight between Adimarchus and Entropy. It would have been a fast TPK if it were just the party vs. Adimarchus. In the beginning, Entropy did help the party by administering a punishing fourteen negative levels to Adimarchus' angelic form (rendering it it worthless in...
  7. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Nice use of that spell, Joachim. I always wanted to try it out after reading it. At first, when Joe mentioned this spell in his Sunday night preview, I thought you had cast Sanctify the Wicked from the BoED.
  8. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Wow guys, I really envy you right now. The final stages of a campaign when your characters are powerful enough to reckon with the most powerful entities of the multiverse is the part I loved most. The role-play opportunities are grand and the combats can be slow but every round is epic. Keep...
  9. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Amen. Though the fact that he kicks some serious ass probably didn't hurt.
  10. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Yep, that would be Havok talking w/ Entropy.
  11. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    It was a prank, of course. Comedy gold!
  12. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Amal defeating Fzoul is in our Shackled City Story Hour. It is in the "Red Dawn" update under "Asylum." Also, our reasons for not finishing Lich Queen's Beloved are on that page. Briefly, we squashed Vlaakith easily the first time, we wanted to start Shackled City, and we had several new...
  13. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    SWEET!!! Evil gets an upgrade! Links: 1. City of the Spider Queen + Bastion of Broken Souls + Lich Queen's Beloved http://www.enworld.org/archive/index.php/t-33249.html 2. Shackled City http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=85618
  14. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Deadfall was a favorite at JollyDoc's Iron Man competition a couple of years back for exactly the reasons stated.
  15. G

    JollyDoc's Savage Tide-Updated 10/8!

    Yeah, those DC 50+ diplomacy checks can be a bitch if you don't have a tricked out Diplomancer. But somehow, I think the Legion will manage in their own special way.