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Recent content by Frozen DM

  1. Frozen DM

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Rest before opening a door
  2. Frozen DM

    RPG Print News – Free League, Chaosium, and Cubicle 7 Starter Sets

    Unfortunately no - just a random adventure ("Casefile") generator.
  3. Frozen DM

    RPG Print News – Free League, Chaosium, and Cubicle 7 Starter Sets

    The production values are great, with well made handouts and the adventure is pretty good with a lot of options. For the cost it was a great purchase since our group is most likely not going to actually play a full campaign so I didn't see the need for the full core book. But if you want to...
  4. Frozen DM

    RPG Print News – Free League, Chaosium, and Cubicle 7 Starter Sets

    It's really just one adventure - it should take 1-4 sessions, depending on how quickly your group plays, and the kinds of choices they make. There's nothing much to allow you to continue the campaign without the core rules, but its a great starting point.
  5. Frozen DM

    Unearthed Arcana: Fight or Flight?

    The one aspect of the article I think my players would most object to is the result of an attempt by the enemies to flee. In the article, the suggestion is that in an attempt to flee, the enemies can respond in two ways: 1. allow the creatures to escape or 2: engage a chase scene. Where I...
  6. Frozen DM

    Unearthed Arcana: Fight or Flight?

    Not the entire group, nor all the time. A few players play characters with a more "anti-hero" mindset. That it's never ok to let a villain or enemy escape, in case they come back to haunt the party later; that force is the most effective form of interrogation, etc... Basically more of a Punisher...
  7. Frozen DM

    Unearthed Arcana: Fight or Flight?

    It's not too bad... I just know that running a heroic campaign is a little off the menu. Once you get the question "What kind of intimidate bonus do I get for cutting off their ..." well you can imagine, a black and white view of good vs evil isn't going to work too well. Gotta adapt for the...
  8. Frozen DM

    Unearthed Arcana: Fight or Flight?

    While I liked the article in principle, it would never fly in my group. In general this kind of ruling would be used by my players, but they would rage against its use by NPCs. Any attempt to flee would simply be met with "No we just shoot them". I've had players spend round after round...
  9. Frozen DM

    Dungeon 161 - The Temple Between

    I'm pretty sure that WOTC has the overall plot defined (at least at a high level). I'm not sure why they refuse to provide details for DMs who want to plan out a more structured campaign, and not be caught by surprise when certain events occur. In the latest adventure several NPCs rise to...
  10. Frozen DM

    Dungeon 161 - The Temple Between

    So far, in my opinion, the Heroic tier adventures have a loosely related plot, more of a running theme of a land gearing up for war. But there is no satisfying conclusion to any of the open plot threads, to many mysteries are left unresolved and without serious re-work it lacks a proper...
  11. Frozen DM

    Dungeon 161 - The Temple Between

    While I believe this is one of the best adventures yet in the adventure path (especially since it has so many great role-playing opportunities and some very cool combats), it does not alleviate the "lack of big picture" problem, it makes it worse. Yet another new enemy group is introduced...
  12. Frozen DM

    What level of support do you want in your Adventure Path?

    I understand the complaints brought up on the WotC boards. The biggest issue people (myself included) have with Scales of War is the lack of a detailed enough overview/summary for the DM at the START of the campaign. I would like to run the AP for my group (having enjoyed running Shackled City...
  13. Frozen DM

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Annoucement!

    I think the question is, how does 4E define an encounter? I'd say both of these examples actually represent single extended/complex encounters. Gone are the days of one encounter = 1 fight = 1 room in a dungeon. I think 4e will be defining encounters as one or more obstacles the PC's will need...
  14. Frozen DM

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo Annoucement!

    Is this really true though? If we talk name recognition in more hardcore gamer circles, sure. But we also need to consider that a large part of the market might not be as industry-savy as the hardcore players. Example, my girlfriend role-plays regularly, is a fan of fantasy literature and total...
  15. Frozen DM

    Design & Development: Quests

    Personally it's suggestions like these that I'm happy to have in the DM's guide. The DMG should be, first and foremost, a guide to helping a DM run their game better. It shouldn't matter where the good advice comes from. Now if you've been behind the screen for years maybe a lot of the advice...